Saturday, December 24, 2011

School in Florence Italy

School in Florence Italy?
I found a program, easygo languages, that allows you to go to a country and learn the language in a school. I am going to Florence Italy, and the school is called scuola Leonardo Da Vinci... I was wondering if anyone has heard of it? or knows information about it?! Also, i dont speak any hard is it going to be for me to survive over there with the language barrier. Haha..My heritage is Italian and i look it, so i am afraid people might just start talking to me in Italian Last, i am a 19 year old girl, and wondering about the night life? What is it like in Florence?
Florence - 2 Answers
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1 :
Hi! I'm italian =) And like all I don't speak english very well. If you want come here, in Italy don't expect what the people know english... maybe the turist guide, maybe the retailes, because Florence is a turist city. If you want come in Italy you should start to study italian, at least a little. But... maybe in the university you can speak english and you can find students who understand you! On the last question: I don't know. I live near Milan and I visited Florence only once. But... Florence is a big city, whit many joung people... don't worry about the night life, there is certainly (disco-bar, theatres, events, concerts). About that, you will ask at the other students =) It's an easy part of your travel!
2 :
hi i'm from florence....(good choice, it's a wonderful city) but are you talking about the Leonardo Da Vinci, Liceo Scientifico, or a language school???? If it's the Liceo scientifico, i can tell you that it's a very beautiful, large (most of the schools placed in the center of the city are old buildings: mine was an old moneastery, with really tiny and low rooms) and technological school (there are many computer rooms, there's even a pool)....My brother goes there, and he really loves it. For the language, dont worry: english is the only language we study (even if some classes study spanish or french or german), so if you find someone who doesnt understand you, it will mean he doesnt study enough... :-D Please, don't think you can look like an italian girl!!! It's not true that all we have dark hair and skin, it's a prejudice that american people have, because they see all of those mafia movies. It's true, the imagine of the boss of the mafia is with dark hair and bronzed skin but we're not like that.. We can have blonde hair, or dark hair, or red hair, and most of the people have so pale skin, that they go tanning... The night life, then, is spectacular, most of all in the winter, cause many discos are closed,in the summer. The discos i prefer are Tenax (amazing on friday and wednesday), YAB acronym of (You Are Beautiful),and Meccanò.... If you dont like going to the clubs, you can go to bars wich we call "pubs", (we call "bar" the cafeteria). At night, oeople use to go to the storical center of Florence (where there are the most expensive and the coolest shops), eating in the restaurant and drinking in the pubs... i can give you a little advice. When i hang out with my girls, i use to go to Savonarola Square (Piazza Savonarola), where there's a little (i dont know how to say) stand wich prepares cocktails and sells beers and other drinks.. It's full of young people (when i go there, i always find all of my high school friends), from 15years old to 21-22 years old. And, before going drinking, we use to go eating a pizza to the Edi restaurant. Or, maybe, if you prefere, you can go to Santa Croce square, or on the Lungarno (it's the street long the Arno river, with all the bridges): there are many pubs and bar wich prepare the "aperitivo", the happy hour (you pay fot the drinks, and eat anything you want)-- Try to have fun and make new friends..... EVERYONE, in Italy, would like to go to America, so they will make you a lot of questions, they will try to be friends with you....well, let them!!!!! You have to make a lot of friends, so you will have a very good time!!! byeeeee (sorry about my english!!!)
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Friday, December 16, 2011

School Year Abroad... Italy or France

School Year Abroad... Italy or France?
I want to apply to go on a school year abroad through a program called SYA, and I cannot decide whether it would be better to go to Italy or to France. What do you think? The program in Italy is based in Viterbo, which is about 2 hours away from Rome, and the program in France is based in Rennes. I meet the requirements for both programs--that is, I'm taking a French II class at the moment, and I have an interest in languages (which is the prerequisite for the Italian program--I do speak a little Italian, but very little... my Spanish is pretty good though, and combined with my french knowledge I can understand a lot). Anyway, if you have been through this program to either of these countries (or any others) or know someone who has, what did you or they think? And if not and you know the program or the places or really just want to share your opinion, what do you think? Thank you so much! Both would benefit me, just in different ways.. I want to experience the cultures and learn the languages and see what it's like living somewhere completely new and meeting new people... In Italy the focus is on the Classics.. you learn Latin and some Ancient Greek as well as Italian, and study ancient history.. most classes are taught in English. In France the focus is more on France, and similar to what you'd probably have as far as a junior year course load in the states.. except that everything is taught in French, and there's much more emphasis on the French people and their history.
Studying Abroad - 5 Answers
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1 :
I think you should do Italy! I have been to both places!
2 :
You didn't mention which class would benefit you more. What are you studying, what is your ultimate goal with the whole thing. If both the courses are the same, I would go with France because you speak the language better. You could solidify your French skills as well as taking the course. If it were me I would go to Italy, I don't speak ether language but I love Italian food, and I love classical art. It might seem silly but make a chart Italy / France and write all the pros /cons for each one to help you decide.
3 :
I've had friends who've gone to both Italy & France. The ones who went to France found it to be a neat place to visit. The ones who went to Italy loved it so much that they don't want to come home. :)
4 :
I think Italy is a better choice. You will see and learn more about classical music and artworks and their awesome architecture. For me, Italy has a richer history than France. Plus, since your French is already good, you might want to master your Italian and I heard they do most of their classes in Italian.
5 :
I answer to your question just becouse I knew Viterbo very well. Here are some information, you can check them on the italian Wikipedia or Google or here: - - It's a small town (60K citizens) with Middle Ages heritage. It looks like a typical Tuscany's town, even though it's in Lazio. It's province is part of the so called "Etruria", the land of ancient Etruscans. The countryside around is very nice. There are sweet hills, and volcanic mountains with beautiful lakes and woods. The town is at the bottom of Cimini mountains, with the beautiful small Vico lake. Volsini mountains, with the larger Bolsena lake, are just 10km far away. The local beach is in Tarquinia (30 km far away), which is one of the two main ancient Etruscan centers, and has a marvellous necropolis with painted rooms. Otherwise, the more beautiful (in my opinion) Tuscany's beaches are next door. The downtown has an interesting medieval side, and a modern one. Interesting medieval events take place, expecially on September (Saint Rosa celebration is a must, very impressive!). They help to understand our traditions & culture. Minor arts exibitions, and other events, take place along the whole year. The town is a university center, and a military school center. So, there are yougths everywhere from Italy and other countries. People are friendly and they speak a good Italian, becouse the local dialect is very soft, near the right language. That's good to practise the language. Obviously, it has all modern town facilities (gyms, pools, bowlings, cinemas, one big theater, discos, restourants, pizzerias, etc, etc). Next to the town there are thermal baths, with pools where people like to swim at night on summer. As you wrote, Rome is next door (just 1,5H by train or coach). So, "viterbesi" are used to study, work, do shopping or just have fun in Rome. But several other towns are near: Siena, Arezzo, Perugia, Assisi, etc. So, you can visit all these interesting places of Tuscany & Umbria in just one day tour by train or coach. To visit Florence, Pisa, Bologna, even Milan or Naples, you need at least two days. Life is peaceful and sweet in Viterbo, as in many italian provincial town. So, you can focus on your study, and have fun during the spare time. It can be a little boring if your are looking for special excitements. Hope all this can help you. Bye, bye!
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Thursday, December 8, 2011

is there any similarities between highschool in Italy and USA

is there any similarities between highschool in Italy and USA?
im writing an essay and im doing similarity and differences between high school students in Italy and USA.... can anyone give me some similarities? thanks
Other - Europe - 2 Answers
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Italian high school students get a very helpful great sex education class. While some US high school don't teach kids about safe sex. At the end in US we end up with a lot of 17 year old girls pregnant. (Statistically) Sara Palin's 17 year old is an example of why sex education instead of religious bigotry is the best way to go!
2 :
Italian High Schools usually doesn't teach sex education (unluckily), in fact Italy is one of the most ignorant european countries about sex education... Probably it is Vatican's fault and of its political interference ... --- I don't know how american school are so I can't be useful, but if you ask me something of more specific, I'll try to answer...
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Thursday, December 1, 2011

What would they have taught in boarding schools in Italy in the 1950's

What would they have taught in boarding schools in Italy in the 1950's?
Thanks Srikant J!
Teaching - 1 Answers
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1 :
The following are the links and sites which will give you the teaching given in boarding -schools in Italy around 1950 : Finding Aid Subject Index Browse (outline view)Bible--Study and teaching ... Boarding schools--Vermont--Brattleboro ... Castles & palaces--Italy--1950-1960 · Cat people (Motion picture) ... - 33k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this UNH Magazine Spring 00 Mary Ann Esposito FeatureBoth grandmothers emigrated from Italy in the 1890s, and both were professional cooks. Esposito's maternal grandmother, "Nonna" Galasso, ran a boarding ... - 9k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Colleges & Department - Hunan Agricultural UniversityThe College of Biosafety Science and Technology was founded in 1950, ... It has been boarding teaching and research domain, enlarging the scale of students' ... - 32k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this North Farm Stud - experts in broodmare boarding and foaling ...Ian and Agnes Muir started Fawley Stud in the early 1950's and built a very large, ... Sue is a BHSII qualified teacher and is a valued member of the team, ... - 18k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Help on Italy Report for School

Help on Italy Report for School?
this is social studies. ok so my group is doing a report on italy. we need to know the location (i think like where it is or a place there), the climate, what they produce (farmland and industry), a natural resource, and where the most people in italy live. Please help I need it for tonight. Thanks!
Homework Help - 1 Answers
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damn girl u sure do need a lot of information for your report.. your not going to be successful in school if you asking all of us for the answers.. its not that hard to go on the internet and find out the info you need.. !!!!
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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

high school student study abroad in italy question

high school student study abroad in italy question?
when im 16 i want to study abroad in italy for a year so it would be my junior year. so far i've seen prices around $11,000-$12,000, are there any scholarships i can get for studying abroad and is there a program for studying abroad in italy that is cheaper?
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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Rotary Exchange program. Its only $1500 in my state. But it may be different for your state. Good Luck!
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

what is industrial model of schooling and community model of schooling in italy

what is industrial model of schooling and community model of schooling in italy?

Home Schooling - 1 Answers
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That is something not many of us would know. I suggest going to google and searching those terms. See what pops up. Good luck
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

am doing a project for school. How do people in Italy welcome people in their home

am doing a project for school. How do people in Italy welcome people in their home?
I mean is it like South American countries where everyone is welcome in your home or are they private.
Other - Cultures & Groups - 1 Answers
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I'm originally from Latin American we don't welcome every single person we meet to our homes, that's just a stereotype.
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Monday, October 24, 2011

I live in Los Angeles and I am looking to move to Italy to work and go to school- what do I need

I live in Los Angeles and I am looking to move to Italy to work and go to school- what do I need?
I have heard of a program that pays Americans to teach English in Italy and provides housing and pay, how does that work? How do i go about getting a dual citizenship?
Other - Italy - 8 Answers
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To work in Italy you need a work permit, which must be applied for by your employer in Italy. AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN because Italy is part of the EU and they have to give priority to any citizen of the EU first. To study in Italy you must enroll in a university and obtain a student visa. This is relatively easy but requires a few months of logistics. To become a citizen of Italy, there are several ways. The best way is to prove that you are of Italian descent and satisfy all the criteria of citizenship "by blood". Other ways include: - by marriage to an Italian citizen (after 6 months in Italy or 3 years outside of Italy) - by naturalization (after several years as a permanent resident)
2 :
In order to go to school here you would need to to be accepted to a school here and have an education visa; this is the visa site for Italy: . The site has links to the application and information about the requirements and other supporting documentation you need to supply. A work visa is different. I am not aware of any program that pays Americans to teach English in Italy and provides housing. This may be something through a US university program if it exists - something like a semester or year abroad. However, it is illegal for you to work here without having a work visa (that's on the site above too). European regulations require that employers advertise jobs and demonstrate that there are no viable European candidates before they can get a work permit for someone else. Europeans have the right to live and work here. In the town where I live, there is a language school which hires young people on short term contracts to teach English. However, the teachers are always from the UK or Ireland because they can work here without all the overhead involved in hiring other foreigners. When I got my visa for Italy, the process took 8 months and that was just for a job that was transferred from the US to Italy that I had already been doing for several years. Be aware that as an American expat, you would need to file income tax returns both in Italy and te US if you were working here. Citizenship is another matter. That's a long process that takes years with some exceptions if you have direct Italian heritage.
3 :
you would need a psychologist :) I'm Italian and I would do "somersaults" to live in California!
4 :
Do ragione al tizio sopra di me, in tanti vorrebbero trasefirsi a Malibu'.
5 :
Ok, first of all, do you have any family members that have lived in Italy? Because my sister went through a citizenship process that took over a year... It is really annoying, but if that's where you dream of living, go for it... but it helps if you speak italian :)
6 :
hahahaha you live in L.A and you wanna go in italy???? hahahahahahah stay here...
7 :
You may have heard of the program that pays people to teach English but then, taken by the excitement, you must have forgotten to wonder HOW MUCH DO THEY PAY you to do that. I can grant is not much. (Sometimes below 1000 euros a month, with maximum peaks at 1300/1400 euros for really good teachers in really good schools) Also, as many others stated, due to a series of laws EU created, priority goes to EU citizens. All that said, provided you have the requirements to teach, you may apply to the various English School chains we have in Italy (although i am almost sure they are sourcing staff from UK and Ireland, with an US minority). Last but not least, Italy is undergoing a really bad economic crisis and there is a certain lack of jobs, which may make your life hard. That detail, combined with the high living costs caused by Euro and underpaid jobs without warranties, makes life really uneasy in Italy, which is not that Heaven it used to be BEFORE euro and EU begun to take over the country. If i were you, i'd look into Asian countries, where teaching if definitely better paid, flexible and life is bubbly and without worries. A plus is, IT IS FULL OF AMERICANS FED UP OF AMERICA AND THE LACK OF A WELFARE SYSTEM who come here to live, study, enjoy a more relaxing life and GET FREE HEALTH CARE. Cheers
8 :
To start with you would need such a vast amount of luck you'd probably drain the whole of California just to find a job. Trust me, come on holiday to italy, but think long and hard before coming over. It's seriously tough for natives, just think for someone who needs to get their grips with a new tax system, a new health system, a new language, new bundles of red tape, etc etc etc... as well as finding a job.
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Sunday, October 16, 2011

high school education in italy

high school education in italy?
the percentage of high school students enrolled in an early childhood education program in italy
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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What is the question here? :(
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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Are there any Wrestling Schools in Italy

Are there any Wrestling Schools in Italy?
Because I've been living here for a year now and i cant find anything by the way I live in the northern part of Italy.
Wrestling - 4 Answers
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I dont know-ah. Why dont you ask-ah Santino Marella!
2 :
Yes they do have them look in the bigger cities.
3 :
Yes you can join Santino's!
4 :
You could ask in this Italian site Look also for Nu Wrestling And Santino Marella is not Italian :)
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Saturday, October 1, 2011

What's the best school for learning Italian in Italy, if I'm a beginner going for four weeks

What's the best school for learning Italian in Italy, if I'm a beginner going for four weeks?
I'm an American and am prepared to spend the month of June anywhere in Italy, learning basic Italian. I've never taken a class in Italian before. I'm open to living in any city but would probably prefer someplace like Florence, Siena, or Bologna. Rome would also be ok.
Other - Italy - 5 Answers
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i don't know any schools there
2 :
The best place to go is Perugia. I know you might wondering, where the hell is Perugia and why should one study there? Well, there they have the University for Foreigners, probably one of the best schools for a month long program like what you are looking for. Plus, it has a reputation for being good. I studied there myself. Here's the website: Okay, so it was founded by Mussolini during the fascist regime, but the point of its foundation was specifically to teach Italian to foreigners. Plus Perugia is across the valley from Assisi, not very far from Sienna and Florence, about 2 hrs by train from Rome, and a nice scenic laid-back Umbrian town with enough stuff to do and enough people from all over to make friends from all over the world. Also the university puts togather great package deals to visit Venice and other places.
3 :
I agree (I'm Italian myself, and living in Milano), Perugia is probably THE place to go. Plus, while hot during the day (in the summer) it's still ok at night, as it's on a hill.
4 :
I have rated a number of schools and I reckon the best place is the Dante Alighieri school in Mondavio. There are a couple of other great places that I have checked out : You need to be careful though as I first studied Italian in Florence and learnt nothing - huge classes and in a city where everyone spoke English. In Mondavio virtually no one speaks English so you are forced to speak Italian and the school is fantastic. It will definitely remain forever with you as an experience of a lifetime.
5 :
I would go with a school that is part of the International House family. They are a very reputable name in language learning and actually use modern linguistic theory to guide their practice. Find a list at the site below.
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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Can you recommend some good language schools in Florence, Italy

Can you recommend some good language schools in Florence, Italy?
I'm visiting Florence for at least 3 months and trying to find an Italian language school. I've come across a ton of schools from google, but it's difficult to differentiate between them. Has anyone ever studied there that can recommend a good school? By "good", I'm taking these factors into consideration: price for intensive courses, price for accommodations (preferably in a private apartment, but a shared flat with other students would be fine also), learning atmosphere of the classes, extra-curricular activities to meet others and learn about Italian culture, and general condition of the school. If I've failed to list something that you think is important, please tell me in your answer. Thanks!
Florence - 3 Answers
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I would recommend this school. Check out the link.
2 :
I learnt Italian at a wonderful school in a wonderful area of of Italy. It is not much use if you are commited to going to Florence but have a look anyway. It really is fantastic and I have never looked back. I even wrote a review of it -
3 :
When I lived in Seoul, South Korea, I used to work for a cultural institute where we arranged contacts for Korean students to study in Italy. An Italian language school we had contacts with is called Il David ( and our students were happy with it. Also, another good Italian language school in Florence where we sent some students is Societa' Dante Alighieri (, which is the official school of the oldest Italian Language Association recognised by the Italian government.
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Friday, September 16, 2011

What do people in Italy eat for Christmas

What do people in Italy eat for Christmas?
Me and my friends are doing a projest on Italy for school and it is 1/5 of our grade.They said i have to do a paragraph on the food.but i don't know what Italian people eat for Christmas .please help!!!!!!!
Christmas - 4 Answers
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my family is very Italian, like half doesn't even speak English. in the past for Christmas dinner the main plate always had some kind of fish in it. my grandma would make home made macaroni then with her homemade sauce (which is amazing) shed mix in calamari (sp?) and these other little pieces of fish that we call "mean fish." then we had other Italian side dishes.
2 :
depends where you're at in Italy near the sea they would eat a traditional seafood meal more inland they would have a capon a capon is a very large castrated chicken. also regular traditional dishes with lots of wine cheeses and even turkeys or a goose.
3 :
traditional pasta and anchovies with oil also cod fish... baclav and lots of sweet pastries
4 :
they eat bannahs with nuts and carmel fudge with whip cream on it and um cherry grapes with orange wine
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Thursday, September 8, 2011

How can I go to college in Italy

How can I go to college in Italy?
I am currently living in the U.S. and I have both Italian and American citizenship. For college next year I would like to go to school in Italy, but since I will have a diploma from the U.S. I'm not sure how to go about doing this, any information would be greatly appreciated, thanks
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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You should first contact your current high school to see if your Diploma can be translated into the Italian system, for example the IB is accepted in Italy. Most Italian Universities however, do not look at your report card or your grades, they require you instead to do an entry test, usually in end of August or beginning of september. From this test they then decide if you are accepted. Be aware however for certain courses your grades do count and there is no entry test. Ps. Many Italian Unis require you to speak italian for most of their courses so it all depends on what you want to study.
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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Where is the best school for modern art and language in Italy

Where is the best school for modern art and language in Italy?
I'm moving to Italy next year and need to learn to speak better Italian and would also be interested in taking some modern art courses too. I prefer the Florence area. Thank you.
Painting - 2 Answers
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1 :
MICA its the maryland institue college or art in baltimore its one of the top art colleges in the world and my dad is the dean there he works for the study abroad program and travels to other countries to visit and make sure the area is a safe place to teach and make courses for college students. My whole family got to go to italy 2 summers ago because his job sent him there and we were actually in florence. He had high school students stay in italy for 2 weeks and make art in florence and just outside of it in the country it was so nice. Go online and look up the college and see if you cant find classes by MICA study abroad trust me aside that my dad works there if you know art and youve done your research you know of this school...i would give you my dads name or info but i dont know you or anything his first name is david last initial g if you want to talk to him
2 :
see, the point is that , unless you are searching for private courses, italian schools have different specializations and it's hard to find one that contains both good languages and modern art classes. i would suggest you concentrate your search to modern art, and then take some private lesson regarding italian. One of the best art school is surely accademia di brera, in milan (lombardy, up north). a bit far from florence, but it is the best suggestion i can give :)
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

If I moove to Italy, can I get Medical School to study in english landuage

If I moove to Italy, can I get Medical School to study in english landuage?
Preferably Medical School in Molano.
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
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Do you mean Milano (Milan)? I have a lot of friends who studied medicine in Rome and a family member who studied in Bologna. All classes were conducted in Italian.
2 :
i'm italian. excepted some economics course in some specific university, ALL COURSES are lead in italian... but if you are an erasmus student, maybe there are some specific course, and.. don't worry, if it had to be in italian, they'll be very sympathetic with foreigners.
3 :
hi.nice brother also went 2 italy 2 study fact he also was looking for a medical school that teaches in english but could not found 1.they said that u hav 2 learn at least 6 month italian language bfore entering he did learn italian language and nw he really likes his university. italian is a great language 2 learn & the people r wonderful. hope u like wat i said.
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How can I locate reliable childcare services and nursery schools in Florence, Italy

How can I locate reliable childcare services and nursery schools in Florence, Italy?
I am in need of help. Travelling with my soon to be 3year old and need school information for Florence, Italy. Accepting a temporary teaching position and need resourceful information to acclimate myself.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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ask the school itself. they will guide. check in the yellow pages. or try the thorntree boards in
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Monday, August 8, 2011

Please advise me the best interior design school in Rome (Italy) thank you

Please advise me the best interior design school in Rome (Italy) thank you?
Please help me looking for the best well-known school of interior design in Rome, Italy I want to study interior design, from the school which should be enough famous and well-approved and well-known from design companies Thank you so much Pat
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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try these i hope it helps
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Monday, August 1, 2011

Are there any gap year programs in Italy where you can attend regular Italian school

Are there any gap year programs in Italy where you can attend regular Italian school?
I know of programs in other countries offered by the AFS and other programs, but I can not find any in Italy. Preferably Sicily, but anywhere is really fine. I have been searching all over google, but everything is language immersion instead of where you stay with a host family and go to high school (or any other type of school) there.
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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You can visit there are a few programs available for study abroad in Italy. Choose the destination you like (Milan, Rome, Florence) and fill out a form to get more information on the program itself. Hopefully, you will find the one you will like.
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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Does anyone know anything about istituto di moda burgo fashion school in milan

Does anyone know anything about istituto di moda burgo fashion school in milan?
actuall any reasonably priced fashion school in italy will be fine...thanx
Fashion & Accessories - 1 Answers
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Istituto Burgo is the best school to study all fashion "by hand" course like: fashion design, fashion stylist, pattern making and tailoring course. In Istituto di Moda Burgo you learn very well this topics, the fee are not very high like other school. Have a good life way. Faz
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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Could someone name fashion design schools in Italy

Could someone name fashion design schools in Italy?
So, I am 13 years old and my ambition is to be a fashion designer. I want to go to school in Italy. Can you name good fashion design schools? (in Italy).
Drawing & Illustration - 1 Answers
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I do not remember the name but there is one in Milan, Italy ...thats where I will be going next year for school..look it up under study abroad.
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Friday, July 8, 2011

High School abroad in Italy

High School abroad in Italy?
I am very interested in spending a year in Italy, attending high school and living with a host family. However, I have yet to find an exchange program that I can afford. I found a program that offers a full scholarship to students to study abroad in Germany. I don't know how common these kinds of programs are, but it would be great if I could find a program like this (that would give me a full scholarship) but for Italy.
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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1 :
I would look into the local Lions Club or Rotary club. I know from experience that the Rotary club has a great exchange program but it does end up costing a bit. There are so many options though-- the internet can be your best friend if you know how to use it!
2 :
sorry... the one your talking about is CBYX right? there isnt one for italy
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Friday, July 1, 2011

I want to learn Jewelry design in Italy, any one recommend a good school for a basic learner

I want to learn Jewelry design in Italy, any one recommend a good school for a basic learner?
I would like to take jewelry design courses in Italy, I found some information about bellowed schools: e' Atelier, Art studio Fuji & Alchimia ! Anyone knows these schools? any comments? Appreicate your help.
Photography - 1 Answers
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Italy's School for Jewelry Design... it may go by another name over there.
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Friday, June 24, 2011

Does Olive Garden really send all their chefs to Italy for training

Does Olive Garden really send all their chefs to Italy for training?
In their commercials Olive Garden says that all their chefs are sent to their school in Tuscany, Italy. I can't imagine they would lie so blatantly but I find this very difficult to believe. What's the deal?
Other - Dining Out - 4 Answers
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HAHA no some of the chefs are named jose and juan!
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I seriously doubt it.
3 :
There is in fact a cooking school here in Italy in Toscana with an associated restaurant called the Riserva di Fizzano that is associated with Olive Garden. I doubt that all the cooks get to visit, but this may be a matter of who they call a chef. Note that indeed the chefs come to the restaurant and the culinary institute and take courses in the winter: The restaurant is very good and as you can see, the menu is not what you get at Olive Garden: which is "Tuscan inspired" (but Americanized)
4 :
If they do and I would imagine it is against the law to deceive people it would be there corporate chefs and training chefs, so they can be sent out and show the techniques to various outlet, even for Olive Garden a division of General Mills, it would very expensive to send every cook in the chain. I was a chef for many years in a Canadian hotel chain, worked in Canada, Asia and the Caribbean, I to was sent to operation for prestigious catering events, I worked 2 functions for the Royal family in my tenure
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Thursday, June 16, 2011

High School Study Abroad Programs in Italy

High School Study Abroad Programs in Italy?
I have been really wanting to do a study abroad program in Italy for a long time. I've been looking around but I can't find anything. Is there any programs that anyone knows of that could offer me this? Thanks.
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
have u looked at AFS, YFU and rotary those are major programs for studying abroad in Italy u can also try looking for different programs on
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Monday, June 6, 2011

Im going to Italy and Greece in a school trip next year!! Any money making ideas

Im going to Italy and Greece in a school trip next year!! Any money making ideas?
Im going to Italy and Greece next year on a shcool trip, and i have to save up half of it plus spending money, and knowing me ill need ALOT of spending money!! Any money making ideas????? I already have one job, but i dont know if thats going to be enough.
Other - Destinations - 3 Answers
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Lucky! The best place I've ever gone to on a school trip is Washington D.C. :( Well..Fundraisers. Car washing, bake sale, garage sale, etc. You could also try taking online surveys and receive checks in the mail for it. Also yard work, pet sitting, babysitting, cleaning... There's a lot you can do.
2 :
Well you could open a lemonade stand... jk, perhaps you should see if there are any jobs available at your local fast food that could maybe increase your spending money for your trip but other than that there isn't anything you can do in this economy. Bestt of luck to you.
3 :
get a seond job or sell stuff on ebay or have a garage sale ♥
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How long are Easter vacations (right now) at elementary schools in Italy? Is it the same nation-wide

How long are Easter vacations (right now) at elementary schools in Italy? Is it the same nation-wide?

Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

going to Italy for school

going to Italy for school?!?
after i graduate high school...i want to go to Italy to persue a carrer in fashion merchandising!!! i have like a million questions though!! 1. do i have to be a citizen to get a scholarship? 2. is it difficult to become an Italian citizen? 3. if i turn into an Italian citizen, would i still be an American citizen? 4. is there fashion colleges in italy? 5. can i go to a school where i don't have to have any college experience or do i already have to be graduated from somewhere else? 6. what collage could i attend to major in fashion merchandising? perferably somewhere safe or in Milan, italy!!! thanks soooo much for answering my questions!!!
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1. do i have to be a citizen to get a scholarship? No. Foreign citizens are considered equal to Italian citizens, for scholarship. (in Italy school is considered a very basic right) 2. is it difficult to become an Italian citizen? If you don't have an Italian ancestry on some level, it'll take time. If you have really nothing that make it easier, you have to live in Italy for at least 10 years (less if you're an EU citizen) 3. if i turn into an Italian citizen, would i still be an American citizen? Although many people will tell you "no", it's actually possible to keep an Italian and American dual-citizenship. Any problem may came from the US, more than Italy, though. These are the points I can give you answers I'm sure to be correct.
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Monday, May 16, 2011

I need places to go in Italy for a school project.

I need places to go in Italy for a school project.?
I want to know places that are very popular and i need it by wednesday nite if poss.
Homework Help - 2 Answers
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I've been all over italy so im guessing i can help but you haven't specified what you need it for and what info you need on the places... popular places: florence milan sienna rome naples check out pompei venice chianti (wine)
2 :
Rome Venice Sicily Florence Milan
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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Study music for a year in Italy before going to grad. school

Study music for a year in Italy before going to grad. school?
I want to spend a year in Italy studying music before I go to grad. school. I am working on my undergrad. degree in music now. How do I find a good program and get funding to go since I won't be enrolled as a student at a college when I go?
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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I have friends who have studied abroad with Arcadia University. You'd have to enroll with them, and I don't know many specifics, but I know that you can go a lot of different places with them. <-- Those people might also be able to help you! May I suggest going to Florence, or at least a small side trip? :) I studied there for a couple of months. Buona fortuna!
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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Is it possible to study abroad in italy RIGHT OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL

Is it possible to study abroad in italy RIGHT OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL?
I am graduating high school in June 2009 and i don't wanna go to college for my first year in the US. Is it possible to find a program that allows me to do this? Any help would be thankful. Thanks
Studying Abroad - 4 Answers
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1 :
IAEC Consultants is an resource for Overseas Education based Hyderabad, India assistance students who wish to study abroad like USA, AUSTRALIA, CANADA, UK, IRELAND. We are one of the Visa Consultants. We are providing also student loans.
2 :
You can take a gap year with the rotary youth exchange program, it's an awesome program.
3 :
School Year Abroad has a wonderful year long program in Italy perfect for a gap year.
4 :
I think your best option is to sign up with a student exchange company for high school students but let them know that you just want to take language classes and maybe something else you are interested in. You need to go with a company because of the visa. If you go on your own you will only be able to be there for 3 months. A good site to go to is Good Luck!
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Sunday, April 24, 2011

When do high schools in ITALY start and end

When do high schools in ITALY start and end?
I mean how long is one academic year for juniors and seniors?(I would suppose it's the same for both.?) So When does the actual summer holiday start and end? Is it the same for the whole country and for all of the schools? Is it possible to be date specific? Universities probably follow own time tables...right...? It's NOT pretty much the same in the whole world. In England the academic year is ONE MONTH AHEAD of the Finnish academic year! I would like to know a bit more details.... Thank you.
Other - Italy - 6 Answers
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They all go from the first day of school through the last day of school. It's pretty much the same everwhere in the world. Good luck!
2 :
we start middle of september and end beginning of june
3 :
In Italy does not exist properly an exact equivalent of the U.S.A. High Schools. We have "Scuole Superiori" that allows for teen students from 13/14 to 18/19 years. The study program is different from U.S.A. High Schools; "Scuole Superiori" are of many types and specialized. In Italy the young teens must decide at 13 years old what they want to study and get specialized about, so choose the type of School they like: may be Classic school, or Scientific school, or Economic, or Linguistics, Mechanical, Chemical, Art, etc....) The specific dates are decided both by the Ministry of Public Instruction and by the Regions. Usually, the Academic Year starts from September the 18th onwards, may be 18th-25th. The end of Academic Year usually is in June the 8th-15th. Inside this period, there are a lot of holidays, especially around Christmas, New Year Day and Catholic Easter. The Academic Year for "Scuole Superiori" is the same for all Schools in the Region, both for juniors and senior students. Every Region may choose different days, according to local situations. Usually, the summer holiday is for sure from June the 15th to September the 18th. Universities have completely different schedules and their own management... the Academic Year may start in October, but generally November, and ends usually in June... but there are a lot of exams scattered in any months, even during Summer or deep Winther.
4 :
It should be noted that students sit for exams from the end of the school year until early July, depending on the schedule.
5 :
They usually start (it depends on the region) the second week of september and they usually finish (it depends on the region too) the second week of during summer we have three months of holiday. But also at christmas and at easter we have some days of holiday (usually two week but it depends on the single school)
6 :
usually highschool starts in September and end in June. Universities are usually closed by july
7 :
Usually start around half september and end around half june but every school can decide what to do
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Saturday, April 16, 2011

what is a few names of schools in Italy during the late 1800's

what is a few names of schools in Italy during the late 1800's ?
i have a stupid project i have to do and i cant find ANY schools in italy in the late 1800's . please help me.. thanks(:
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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This is the only thing I could find: It might give you some ideas on where else to look (there is one school in here for sure). Other than that, I think you are going to have to ask your teacher for some guidance on that. This is a really tough question! Maybe they want you to go to the library.
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Friday, April 8, 2011

What are some good things about going to Italy for 3 weeks with school with 2 of my besties

What are some good things about going to Italy for 3 weeks with school with 2 of my besties?
We have to decide what options to do. If I do Italian for 2 more years I get to travel around Italy with two of my besties! What are some good things about this? Besides a massive 3 week sleepover in a foreign country!!!
Other - Europe - 1 Answers
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Are you going there soon or two years from now? Things could change a lot in 2 years...
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Friday, April 1, 2011

How can I get enough money for Italy

How can I get enough money for Italy?
I really want to spend a month in Italy for school (6 credits) The cost of the program= $2300 Cost of tuition per credit= $550 per class (will come to apx. $1100) Cost of airfare= like $1200 I refuse to take out a loan. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to come up with this money?
Personal Finance - 1 Answers
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How long do you have? Let me tell you, if you set your mind to it, you can do it! Mow lawns babysit wash cars clean out cars go to the grocery for elderly who cant go do "handy work" around peoples houses landscaping (its the season) burn Windows Vista onto cd's and sell them on e-bay do things like that....
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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Is there anything I can connect to my labtop to get internet connection overseas(Italy) * What is a normal school day like for a high school... * How much does it cost to go to an italian language... * I need help finding a fashion school in Italy * How much do private school teachers in Italy make

Is there anything I can connect to my labtop to get internet connection overseas(Italy)?
I am going away for school to Italy for a month. I wanted to know if there is anything I can buy/use to get an internet connection overseas. My computer is an IBM and the place I will be at is in Italy way up in the mountains. Do you know of anything I can use that will gurantee a connection in Europe?? some sort of chip or something i can insert in the labtop..??
Laptops & Notebooks - 2 Answers
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The technology is the same worldwide. Dial-up is Dial-up DSL is DSL and Cable is Cable
2 :
If you have mobile phone, you can buy bluetooth dongle and connect it to USB port of your laptop. Activate the internet service from your mobile phone > activate bluetooth from your mobile and start using Internet Connection.
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Would you take your kindergardener to Italy for 3 weeks during the school year?

Would you take your kindergardener to Italy for 3 weeks during the school year?
We have an oppurtunity to go to Italy for 3 weeks in May, but it would mean our 6 year old being out of school for 3 weeks. Do you think it is a good idea or not? Of course we would take her classwork with us. Would she miss too much school and be behind?
Grade-Schooler - 20 Answers
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if you are takeing the work with him i would do it make it educational for your child also. it will be alearing expreance for you child
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no. they would get WAY too behind in school. unless u were gunna get there homework and stuff.
3 :
You definatly want to bring you child that would be a great experince. Now I wodent do it with a child in secondd grade or up. but at that grade levil she will be fine. Espeshaly is you ask the teacher what he or she is missing.
4 :
5 :
Its a great idea, she's only a kinder she can't really get that far behind, and if you wanted you could ask the teacher for ideas of things to work on or some homework. Have a great vacation
6 :
If it were me I would absolutley do this. Especially in kindergarden, it is easy to bring work and keep up to speed. The only reason I might hesitate is if your child is really struggling in school. Of course it is optimal to go in the summer time but any oportunity to broaden your little ones horizons is (in my mind) a chance not to to be passed up!
7 :
Hi , I think you should go. Your daughter is only 6. she's still little. and even at the age of 6 has the right to a holiday. plus think of your time away as broadining her mind to different languages, and culture. start speaking italian words to her, tell her all about the places you want to visit and why. Life is for living, children learn from experiences, not from sitting in a classroom. to me one of the most important things a parent can give there child(ren) is a passion for travel and new experiences. Imagine your delight when your in Italy and your daughter see's the leaning tower of pisa for the first time, and sasys mommy why is that building wonky? Or the look of delight when she gets to go on her first plane ride. Exciting stuff for a six year old, take loads of pics for her to show her teachers, and classmates.
8 :
I would definitely take her! The experience of going to Italy alone is something to learn! I don't think that 3 weeks will harm her in any way and as long as you take some work with you so that she doesn't fall behind. Have a super time!
9 :
Take her. It's only kindergarten. I'd be surprised if the teacher didn't encourage your child to go. Your child can catch up in school. You can't catch up or replace family time.
10 :
ABSOLUTELY in a heart beat! The opportunity of going to Italy will far out weigh the "learning" she will get in the class room, in my opinion. Think of all the educational places you could take her while on the trip; Vatican City, Venice, the "city of canals", leaning tower of Pisa, and Rome (Roman Empire). We will be going next year, and I can't wait! Good luck, and if you decide to go, hope you have a GREAT time!
11 :
No not for kindergarden, but maybe take her out and say that you are "homeschooling" her that way she really is not missing school and than pack a huge bag of things to do on the plane!
12 :
Absolutely. I am a Kindergarten teacher at a California public school. The school teacher is required to send you school work for the child to finish during the time of absence. The parents will sign a contract with the school that the parents will follow up the lessons and do homework with the child. The parents be given a daily guide and how to go about with the lessons of the child. I hope that helps. It would be a great learning experience for your child to visit Italy.
13 :
Absolutely!!! I traveled with my kids a great deal from infancy up. It is a wonderful experience for them to meet new people and hear them speak new languages. Plus Italians LOVE babies.. you will not get down a street without being treated like royalty! Have fun! Just make sure you bring lots of fun stuff for the flight and chewing gum for landing and take off. And if you can plan your flight during night time. Run the little one until tired before you get on the plane and (s)he will sleep wonderfully for most of the flight. I would suggest NOT gettgin the kids meal as it is ususlly junk food. But instead pack enough food and snacks (especially fruit that can be eaten BEFORE you land). She will have a great experience and a lot of fun. And you will find that people love it when you bring your kids. Mine were always welcomed with great joy and friendliness. Have a blast!
14 :
My parents took my sister and I to Boston (we lived in Washington State) for a couple of weeks when I was in 4th grade and she was in 2nd. My parents checked with the school before we left, and I was allowed to keep a journal of everything that I did there, all of the historic Revolutionary War era places that I saw, etc. This journal was instead of my school work, which my sister's teacher made her do. I would suggest checking with your kids' instructors about what they will be missing and see if you can work out some sort of deal of this kind. For me it worked great, and I learned lots of stuff about early U.S. history to share with my classmates upon my return. Rome or another city in Italy would be even better!
15 :
Going to Italy itself could be a huge learning experience. Where I live Kindergarten is optional. If your child is on target with the rest of his/her peers. I would probably 100% go for it. Why not... for some children its a once in a life time experience.
16 :
I agree with the go for it people!! What a great opportunity for the family. We took our kids out of school 2 times per year through high school for timeshare weeks and other week long vacations. Just like the teacher from CA (where we lived) we signed the contract for schoolwork and the kids usually made a journal of the time away from school. Pictures and maybe a video-camera would definitely be in order for the trip, so later she can be reminded of her trip, too. Have a great time!
17 :
Definitely take her. Don't worry about the school work. She'll catch up later. Traveling is one of the best educations she'll ever get.
18 :
Absolutely!! First off, in kindergarten they really won't miss much. Secondly, the life experience of going to Europe far out weighs any missed few days of school. You should talk to your childs teacher, I'll bet they tell you it wouldn't be a problem. Not everyone gets the opportunity to go to Italy and this is a life experience that your child will have forever and the few days of school that are missed are something that they will never remember and will recover from easily. Especially if you are bring homework. When I was 14, I spent 3 months in France (my father was from there & had family there) alone. I left school 2 1/2 weeks before the school year ended. I'm so glad my parents let me have that experience. Your child will be too.
19 :
Definitely take her, and don't take any classwork. She's only in K, for gosh' sake.
20 :
If you brought homework/lesson plans, I doubt she'd be behind. You would just have to teach her for three weeks, basically. Have fun in Italy, if you go!! =]
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What are some schools in Italy which teach spoken Latin

What are some schools in Italy which teach spoken Latin?
There is one which was supposed to be started by some gentleman whose name I cannot quite remember... his first name is Luigi, I think. Reginald Foster is someone I am aware of, but health problems have forced a relocation of his activities to Milwaukee.
Languages - 1 Answers
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You are thinking of Aloisius Miraglia's Vivarium Novum. At present this only accepts male students. Father Foster, as you say, has relocated to the USA because of ill health, and his Latin programme in Rome has ceased, but he wants to re-start it in America. There are Summer immersion programmes elsewhere in the USA and in Europe. There is also a huge free online immersion school, called Latinum - There is also an active online community of Latin speakers and students who want to learn to speak Latin here:
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What's the difference between "High School" and "Prep school"

What's the difference between "High School" and "Prep school"?
I'm italian and i'm curious to know the difference because in italy the school system is different. Thank's!
Primary & Secondary Education - 7 Answers
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high school is usually concidered the public education school payed for by the government using our taxes while prep school is usually private school payed for by the family
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The term prep school was formerly used to describe schools that focused on preparing its students for colleges- at the time this term was coined many students from high schools did not attend college after graduation. Prep schools are also usually private schools.
4 :
Prep means preparatory. In other words, it's a private school designed to prepare students for college. Whereas, high schools may offer some college prep class, it's not their primary function. I hope that helps.
5 :
High School is public or private education for the masses. Everyone goes to high school, some then go to college. Prep School is a private preparatory school for students that want a better quality education to prepare themselves for college. If you wanted to be a trashman, you wouldn't go to prep school. You could say that prep schools are the elite of the high schools.
6 :
Prep schools specialize in getting the student into college. It's like 3 solid years of AP courses No baby stuff unless you need it remedially Prep schools are private and expensive
7 :
Dunno stupid american ways of saying things
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Thursday, February 24, 2011

money raising ideas for international field school

money raising ideas for international field school?
I'm going to an archeology field school in Italy this summer. The school is pretty expensive, and I need some ways to raise money fast. Scholarships specifically for field schools would be ideal, since I live on a college campus, so traditional fund raising would be a bit hard. Any other ideas would be helpful as well
Financial Aid - 1 Answers
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You know , that You won't make any money online unless you have a way that you can drive traffic to your website. You have to understand the basic premises of marketing, and then understand the premises of internet marketing. There is one website where you can get both, it is not free to be a member. but you can learn how to drive free traffic there. Give it a look I think you will like it.
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How many hours does it take to fly from Iowa to Italy

How many hours does it take to fly from Iowa to Italy?
My cousin's flying to Italy for school in a few months. I'm asking this for her since she doesn't have an email account. If it was a non-stop flight?
Air Travel - 4 Answers
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non-stop my guess is around 12-14 hours
2 :
Well. It takes about 2-3 hours to fly to Newark NJ to do a transfer flight since Iowa has no nonstop flights to International Destnations. so add that to the 10 hour flight to Rome. Your looking at 12-13 hour flight which could be longer due to layover times, weather, ect.
3 :
Your friend can fly non stop to Rome on Alitalia from Chicago. The flight time from O'Hare Field to Rome is between 9.5 and 10 hours.
4 :
If the flight were non-stop, it would be approximately 10 hours. However, there are no scheduled nonstop flights from Iowa to Italy. The flight will involve at least one layover in Chicago, Detroit, or somewhere else - so it will be longer than 10 hours, depending on where you change flights and how long the layover is.
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Is A Good High School Foreign Exchange Program? Japan Or Italy

What Is A Good High School Foreign Exchange Program? Japan Or Italy?
Alright, I'm planning on going to Japan for a foreign exchange program, maybe Italy. [I haven't made up my mind. But if you have went to Italy or Japan when you were in high school. Tell me what your experience was like?] Now, I have around a 3.0 GPA which is typically enough, but I was wondering what other people have done, and which would be less expensive.
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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1 :
I myself have chosen rotary for japan it is very inexpensive ranging from 4,100 to 4,500 they give you a rotary counselor for the country you reside in and as well do backround checks for the host families Italy and Japan are just two of the countries they do many and with a 3.0 you should be fine but you also have to do interview
2 :
Just like the answer above I chose rotary as well. It is cheap, the are very strict about the family's they choose to allow in their program. I went to japan, lived in the city of Noda, north of tokyo about an hour i had a BLAST best experience of my life.
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I need help finding a fashion school in Italy

I need help finding a fashion school in Italy?
I am thinking about attending a fashion school in Italy. I haven't had any luck finding something, but what I am looking for is a school that the tuition is less then 25,000 US dollars, offers alot of different programs for the fashion industry, and it would help if it offered student housing. And an english speaking website!?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Before attending F.I.T in NYC, I did a semester in Florence and attended Lorenzo di Medici. Other schools in Italy are: L'academia in Florence and Polimoda (also in Florence, which happens to be part of F.I.T). The school I almost attended instead of FIT was Marangoni in Milan. If I were you, I would really look into Polimoda and Marangoni, because they are the best. Hope this helps!
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