Tuesday, May 24, 2011

going to Italy for school

going to Italy for school?!?
after i graduate high school...i want to go to Italy to persue a carrer in fashion merchandising!!! i have like a million questions though!! 1. do i have to be a citizen to get a scholarship? 2. is it difficult to become an Italian citizen? 3. if i turn into an Italian citizen, would i still be an American citizen? 4. is there fashion colleges in italy? 5. can i go to a school where i don't have to have any college experience or do i already have to be graduated from somewhere else? 6. what collage could i attend to major in fashion merchandising? perferably somewhere safe or in Milan, italy!!! thanks soooo much for answering my questions!!!
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
1. do i have to be a citizen to get a scholarship? No. Foreign citizens are considered equal to Italian citizens, for scholarship. (in Italy school is considered a very basic right) 2. is it difficult to become an Italian citizen? If you don't have an Italian ancestry on some level, it'll take time. If you have really nothing that make it easier, you have to live in Italy for at least 10 years (less if you're an EU citizen) 3. if i turn into an Italian citizen, would i still be an American citizen? Although many people will tell you "no", it's actually possible to keep an Italian and American dual-citizenship. Any problem may came from the US, more than Italy, though. These are the points I can give you answers I'm sure to be correct.
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