Saturday, January 16, 2010

I am looking to go on a high school exchange to Italy and would like some advice.

I am looking to go on a high school exchange to Italy and would like some advice.?
Hello, I am a New Zealand student in my second to last year of school. I am hoping to go on a student exchange to Italy next year. I could go for 2 months, 6 months or 1 year. I am a mature and friendly person who is looking forward to experiencing another culture. Right now I am deciding whether to apply for for 6 months or 1 year. I would really love to get to know my host family and friends ... and would love to choose the 1 year exchange. However I am very close to my family and friends and may miss them. I know going for a year will build my confidence and would be a great learning experience. Due to the departure times I will miss the school ball and graduation if I leave on a 6 month exchange. The year programme departs later and would give me a chance to finish off most of the school year.
Other - Italy - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Go for the year! Who knows when you will be able to do that again?!?!
2 :
Go for a year! Maybe your family can visit you after 6 months. Or it's fun to send videos back and forth. Enjoy it! I loved living in Italy!
3 :
hmmm i would go for the year...there's so much stuff these days, like email, IM, and phone, that you can talk to your friends and fam...u could also see if u could get a laptop, and ur fam could get a webcam, that way you could see each other...u could set up a certain time to talk to each other every week or sumthin... u will get homesick at first, but u will have fun!!
4 :
Let me tell you something my expierence in Italy was fantastic and really if you want to learn the culture and the people you really need to go for a year. I do understand 1 thing it's a long time but it's a once in a life time and the expierence you gain will last you a life time and it will be something you will never forget. Because of the fact it will take you some time to get adjust to a new culture people, climate and every thing you really need that time any shorter and to me it will like takeing a vaction and you will have learned very minumal to me.
5 :
Be prepared to mangia, mangia. You'll love the Italian people, and Italy. And the history. Take a year and you'll learn lots of Italian. You may not want to leave. You didn't say where. Perugia maybe? You"ll make friends easily and they'll show you around. Lots to see. You'll find English speaking students.
6 :
go for the one year program!! its worth the trip, TRUST ME! i did the same thing four years ago on a one year program to florence. stayed there for one year and decided to stay even longer. not kidding. its been over 4 years since ive lived here in florence and im almost done studying at the unviersity here. the only thing i would do, if i were you. is stay with a family only for 6 months, and the other 6 months go on your own. the reason why im telling you this is becausei was assigned as well in spending 3 months wiht this italian family...believe it or not, but i had horrible, HORRIBLE experience, that after the first 2 weekst here i left! i think it was just bad bad bad luck, since after here so long i noitce that it wasnt that ALL italian families are as bad as the ones i had to stay with, BUT just for the good of it, stay away from living with a family after a period of time. BE FREE!! go and explore, go with friends, florence here is SAFE, you dont have to worry about depending on a place to sleep and live, if you have money you can find your own place on your own and live happily exploring the towns around it. have a good trip!
7 :
Dear Cowgirl, there really is no question here.... you should opt for the year and have a good time. You won't miss your (we call it a prom here) ball and graduation, which are very important milestones in a person's life!! Italy is an absolutely BEAUTIFUL country and you will love it. Find a book and try to learn some Italian words and USE them when you are there. People love it when you make a real effort to communicate and learning the words of a foreign language shows that you really want to be friends. You will come back from your year polished and easy with yourself. Your family will be amazed at the maturity that you have achieved. One thing further... NEVER be alone with a young Italian male. You will be viewed as a sex object instead of a young lady. Not good. I lived in Italia bella for two years and LOVED it. Would go back tonight if I could. Enjoy this great adventure. Hugs, Kiddo!!
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