Friday, January 1, 2010

What is the cutoff date for schooling in Italy

What is the cutoff date for schooling in Italy?
Here in Australia it varies from state to state. Is there a standard in Italy with regards to secondary schooling? For example, do you start the year you turn 11, or do you have to be eleven by a certain date, etc? What's the go? (Note: this is not for me - I'm beyond school age - but for a young friend who may be moving to Italy.)
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
hi! i'm italy.. this year all schools start on 13september and finish on 11 june but in some regions (like sardinia or sicily, where there are some turism..) the schools starts arfer or before this date. 4 example: in sardinia the school starts on the 15 semptember while in lombardy on 13 september... if you want, send me an email at u tell me in what region or city your friend moves and I'll send you the dates of the school.. bye Sara95 (an italian student)
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