Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pre Med in Italy? Medical school in Italy? Help!

Pre Med in Italy? Medical school in Italy? Help!?
I am an American of Italian descent, and hold dual citizenship. I speak Italian fluently, and have always dreamed of attending undergraduate school and, depending on where life takes me, possibly medical school in Italy. I was wondering if it would be feasible for me to go to undergraduate school in Italy if I'd like to go to medical school back in the U.S. From talking to people who have attended Italian universities, I have found out that you select your "major" at the very beginning and take classes only pertaining to those majors. How would someone like me be able to take all the required science courses (physics, biology, physical and organic chemistry, anatomy, etc.) plus the humanities in Italy in order to get into an American medical school and take the MCAT? Are there any American universities in Italy which allow students to take heavy science courses? In looking online, I've only found colleges which give liberal arts courses; none of which I want to major in.
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I live in Italy, and tell you the truth the universities here are pretty bad. However, you have to see which one you would like to go to. There's La Sapienza, John Cabot University (American), Tor Vergata. Dunno check out some of these ones. Of course, If you decide to take a major you have to pertain that one. Good Luck!
2 :
If you are serious about becoming an american physician DO NOT DO IT. you will be doing yourself a disservice by going to college in Italy if you plan to go to med school in the US. It is already highly competitive even for spots in the less prestigious US med schools and the med schools are going to be much more likely to take a US student than a foreign graduate. If you went to college and med school in Italy it will be even worse as chances are slim that you will get a decent residency in the US. take a year or two off, study in Italy, come back to the US and go to college and med school. that will impress them and make them want you even more in med school. they are always looking for diversity
3 :
Hi my friend!!!! I'm Dodo!!! How are you? Just now I'm looking the licence of postgraduate.... This is a link that shows all bachelor's degree in Italy. So you can choose well... I don't know if there are american universities in Italy...
4 :
Any college courses taken in a foreign country has to be evaluated for equivalency to US coursework. There are a number of agencies that do this. You might want to start by contacting one of these agencies to see if they have determined that Italy provides equivalent education (google foreign credential evaluations). The US does recognize the MD degree from Italy; however, any foreign trained MD still has to pass the USMLE, regardless of the country where he/she was educated. The USMLE is NOT an easy exam, so base your decision depending on what you learn about Italy's equivalency.
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