Thursday, October 1, 2009

would it be hard for an american female to become an english school teacher in ITALY

would it be hard for an american female to become an english school teacher in ITALY?
I'm in my senior year of high school and I just recently spent my Summer in Italy. I love it there. My dream it to learn it fluently so I can be a foreign language teacher in an elementary, middle, or high school. How difficult would it be to get a job? what kind of other qualifications to u need? do teachers in italy make good money? Anything you know would help. thanks :)
Languages - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
it probably wouldn't be that easy. but i'd say it shouldn't be THAT hard.i don't know if they would make good money though...
2 :
i don't think it's difficult for you to work there,being an american you will be welcomed by everybody base to past history. but talking of salary they get paid in euros, and more likely it would more or less like the States. not how to get the job, then you might encounter problems since europe like the states is in recession and bad. if you require high salary i doubt you will get but have a try, everything is possible. if italy gives change to those people who are dying of hunger in their country why not people who has a good reputation!
3 :
I wanted to do this myself (i.e. teaching English in Italy), but didn't end up doing it for a variety of personal reasons. But the advice that was given to me, and it was advice that made sense to me, was/is (and this advice came from both Italians and Americans who lived in Italy): 1. Teachers don't make a lot, and in fact it's hard to live well on what you would get paid for being an English teacher. You would probably need to have roommates and keep costs low. You can make extra money doing tutoring on the side. 2. You don't need to speak Italian; they want people who speak English natively, and that's the only qualification you need. But you will learn fluent Italian if you live there. 3. English teachers are highly in demand in Italy. Everywhere. 4. Just do it. You are young and it will only get harder later in life. Living in a foreign country will change your life immensely for the better, at least from a personal growth standpoint. I have known a lot of people who have done this, and all of them have said their time abroad was the best time of their life (including Europeans and Asians whose time "abroad" was in the USA).
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