Monday, November 8, 2010

i know school in italy is free....where else is it free

i know school in italy is free....where else is it free???

Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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Most of Europe has free higher education for its residents.
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3 :
Italy, as you'd mentioned. Bulgaria. Greece. The Czech Republic. Iceland. I think the Ukraine. I believe Japan. In fact, most European countries, and some Asian nations, offer free university education, but there are often rules around who can attend for free. In some countries, such as the Czech Republic, it's as simple as being able to speak the local language fluently. I believe Iceland is like this as well, but you'd want to check. In other countries, you're required to be fluent in the local language and to be either a resident or a citizen of that country. In all cases, you usually have to take an entrance exam or have (if you're in the US now) SAT scores above a certain level in order to apply. You may also need AP exams, or SAT II subject tests. And be cautious, because not all country's university degrees are accepted by other countries. The quality can vary.
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