Sunday, October 24, 2010

What's it like to do a High School study abroad in Italy

What's it like to do a High School study abroad in Italy?
I'm a freshman and a prospective study abroad student. Please only answer this if you have done this or have some way of knowing what these are like. First and foremost did you speak Italian when you arrived or did you learn? What were your Host family like? Overall did you like it? what company did you study abroad with?
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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1 :
my brother did it and he spoke a little italian (1st cd of rosetta stone italy) his host family was really nice and he hooked up with their daughter haha
2 :
I lived in Spain and France for a year when I was younger. I studied at universities there and lived with a host family. It was honestly the best experience of my life. I learned so much, not just about the languages and culture but about how to survive in the big wide world. It opens up doors and all sorts of possibilities for your future life. As a result, I was never worried about travelling anywhere or doing new things. I now live full time in Italy, and love it. I spoke very little of the language when I arrived but learned it very quickly - living in the country is the best way to learn. The families were wonderful, spoke very little English but we got by with a dictionary and many gestures! I was, and you may well be, lonely and homesick at times, but it's worth everything for the confidence it will give you. Italy is a wonderful country and the people are warm and friendly. Have a look at this website : which offers a whole package for students like you who want to study abroad, for anything from a month to a year. It offers a really good level of student support for you and, importantly, for your parents as well so that they won't be as worried about you living alone in a foreign country. You can also apply for financial aid - there's a section on this website that tells you how. It's worth organising your stay in Italy through an agency like this because if anything goes wrong, they are there to help you. This isn't the only one - just do a Google search for 'study in Italy as a college student' and you will see them all - but it's one of the best. They even provide an international mobile phone for you while you're away! They offer either Rome or Florence, both of which are amazing cities. Either would be a brilliant place to study; Rome is big and buzzy and there's a lot going on there for young people; Florence is a bit more laid back. I wish you the very best of luck.
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