Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Question about culinary school

Question about culinary school?
Okay so I want to go to a Culinary school in Italy, but where are culinary schools in Italy, like what city, and what is the name of the school, or just put a link so I can go to the website. Please Im 14 and want to start looking, because this is something I want to do in my life. Please Help.
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Culinary Institute "Gianni Brera" (Como, Italy) http://www.centrocasnati.eu/ Magici Sapori (Firenze, Italy) http://www.magicisapori.com/english/ Apicius -The Culinary Institute of Florence (Florence or Tuscany, Italy) http://www.culinaryinstituteofflorence.com/index.html I suggest two things: -Check out "Peterson's culinary schools" They probably have a list of more Italian culinary schools -Learn/take Italian if you're not already. Many, if not all, Italian culinary schools are in Italian so learn the language. Good luck!
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