Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Would you take your kindergardener to Italy for 3 weeks during the school year?

Would you take your kindergardener to Italy for 3 weeks during the school year?
We have an oppurtunity to go to Italy for 3 weeks in May, but it would mean our 6 year old being out of school for 3 weeks. Do you think it is a good idea or not? Of course we would take her classwork with us. Would she miss too much school and be behind?
Grade-Schooler - 20 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
if you are takeing the work with him i would do it make it educational for your child also. it will be alearing expreance for you child
2 :
no. they would get WAY too behind in school. unless u were gunna get there homework and stuff.
3 :
You definatly want to bring you child that would be a great experince. Now I wodent do it with a child in secondd grade or up. but at that grade levil she will be fine. Espeshaly is you ask the teacher what he or she is missing.
4 :
5 :
Its a great idea, she's only a kinder she can't really get that far behind, and if you wanted you could ask the teacher for ideas of things to work on or some homework. Have a great vacation
6 :
If it were me I would absolutley do this. Especially in kindergarden, it is easy to bring work and keep up to speed. The only reason I might hesitate is if your child is really struggling in school. Of course it is optimal to go in the summer time but any oportunity to broaden your little ones horizons is (in my mind) a chance not to to be passed up!
7 :
Hi , I think you should go. Your daughter is only 6. she's still little. and even at the age of 6 has the right to a holiday. plus think of your time away as broadining her mind to different languages, and culture. start speaking italian words to her, tell her all about the places you want to visit and why. Life is for living, children learn from experiences, not from sitting in a classroom. to me one of the most important things a parent can give there child(ren) is a passion for travel and new experiences. Imagine your delight when your in Italy and your daughter see's the leaning tower of pisa for the first time, and sasys mommy why is that building wonky? Or the look of delight when she gets to go on her first plane ride. Exciting stuff for a six year old, take loads of pics for her to show her teachers, and classmates.
8 :
I would definitely take her! The experience of going to Italy alone is something to learn! I don't think that 3 weeks will harm her in any way and as long as you take some work with you so that she doesn't fall behind. Have a super time!
9 :
Take her. It's only kindergarten. I'd be surprised if the teacher didn't encourage your child to go. Your child can catch up in school. You can't catch up or replace family time.
10 :
ABSOLUTELY in a heart beat! The opportunity of going to Italy will far out weigh the "learning" she will get in the class room, in my opinion. Think of all the educational places you could take her while on the trip; Vatican City, Venice, the "city of canals", leaning tower of Pisa, and Rome (Roman Empire). We will be going next year, and I can't wait! Good luck, and if you decide to go, hope you have a GREAT time!
11 :
No not for kindergarden, but maybe take her out and say that you are "homeschooling" her that way she really is not missing school and than pack a huge bag of things to do on the plane!
12 :
Absolutely. I am a Kindergarten teacher at a California public school. The school teacher is required to send you school work for the child to finish during the time of absence. The parents will sign a contract with the school that the parents will follow up the lessons and do homework with the child. The parents be given a daily guide and how to go about with the lessons of the child. I hope that helps. It would be a great learning experience for your child to visit Italy.
13 :
Absolutely!!! I traveled with my kids a great deal from infancy up. It is a wonderful experience for them to meet new people and hear them speak new languages. Plus Italians LOVE babies.. you will not get down a street without being treated like royalty! Have fun! Just make sure you bring lots of fun stuff for the flight and chewing gum for landing and take off. And if you can plan your flight during night time. Run the little one until tired before you get on the plane and (s)he will sleep wonderfully for most of the flight. I would suggest NOT gettgin the kids meal as it is ususlly junk food. But instead pack enough food and snacks (especially fruit that can be eaten BEFORE you land). She will have a great experience and a lot of fun. And you will find that people love it when you bring your kids. Mine were always welcomed with great joy and friendliness. Have a blast!
14 :
My parents took my sister and I to Boston (we lived in Washington State) for a couple of weeks when I was in 4th grade and she was in 2nd. My parents checked with the school before we left, and I was allowed to keep a journal of everything that I did there, all of the historic Revolutionary War era places that I saw, etc. This journal was instead of my school work, which my sister's teacher made her do. I would suggest checking with your kids' instructors about what they will be missing and see if you can work out some sort of deal of this kind. For me it worked great, and I learned lots of stuff about early U.S. history to share with my classmates upon my return. Rome or another city in Italy would be even better!
15 :
Going to Italy itself could be a huge learning experience. Where I live Kindergarten is optional. If your child is on target with the rest of his/her peers. I would probably 100% go for it. Why not... for some children its a once in a life time experience.
16 :
I agree with the go for it people!! What a great opportunity for the family. We took our kids out of school 2 times per year through high school for timeshare weeks and other week long vacations. Just like the teacher from CA (where we lived) we signed the contract for schoolwork and the kids usually made a journal of the time away from school. Pictures and maybe a video-camera would definitely be in order for the trip, so later she can be reminded of her trip, too. Have a great time!
17 :
Definitely take her. Don't worry about the school work. She'll catch up later. Traveling is one of the best educations she'll ever get.
18 :
Absolutely!! First off, in kindergarten they really won't miss much. Secondly, the life experience of going to Europe far out weighs any missed few days of school. You should talk to your childs teacher, I'll bet they tell you it wouldn't be a problem. Not everyone gets the opportunity to go to Italy and this is a life experience that your child will have forever and the few days of school that are missed are something that they will never remember and will recover from easily. Especially if you are bring homework. When I was 14, I spent 3 months in France (my father was from there & had family there) alone. I left school 2 1/2 weeks before the school year ended. I'm so glad my parents let me have that experience. Your child will be too.
19 :
Definitely take her, and don't take any classwork. She's only in K, for gosh' sake.
20 :
If you brought homework/lesson plans, I doubt she'd be behind. You would just have to teach her for three weeks, basically. Have fun in Italy, if you go!! =]
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