Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What is a normal school day like for a high school student in Italy

What is a normal school day like for a high school student in Italy?
I'm in high school right now and I was curious as to how a school day is for a student from Abruzzo or even from any high school in Italy
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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Well, I'm not from Abruzzo, but I live in Modena, Italy :D normal school day? Okay :) I usually wake up at 6.40 am and then exit home at 7.30 to take the bus; we don't have school buses here, and everyone needs to get at school by common buses, or by bike, moped or car (in this case, parents usually have to take you to school, cause we can't drive a car till we're 18 :P). I stay at school from 8.00 to 1 pm and then I go home. Lessons are over, but you can stay at school in the afternoon if you want to join after-school activities such as the School Magazine or Drama.. these give you some credits ;) School lasts from the second week of September to the second one of June. Oh yes! There are some other differences :P - We don't need to stay at school to eat, so there's not a cafeteria :P but some schools have a cafè, a simple one, no tables.. just food and cans :P - Our classes are a lot different. Before we start our first high school year, someone defines some groups of people (usually around 26-30 kids), and there are gonna be our classes for the following 5 years. Usually nothing changes, unless someone's school year gets rejected (dunno how to translate it XD). This happens when your marks are too terrible, and you have to repeat all of your courses... - The class always stays in one room only. Teachers need to move around the building to get to class, not us!! :D We don't have lockers and always need to carry a rucksack with lots of books.... - School choice is COMPLETELY different :P We can choose between different types of schools; Classic Lyceum (with Latin and Ancient Greek, and just a few Maths), Scientific Lyceum (with Biology, Phisics, lots of Maths and no Greek [this is mine!! :D]), and high schools specialized in other subjects, like artistic or technical education, modern languages or education itself. Once you are in one of these schools, you must study ALL the subjects!! - We don't have a prom, or a school sports team, or cheerleaders, or... well, I think you got it :P Hope I've been helpful :D
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