Thursday, April 16, 2009

how can an italian citizen living in the US, get a scholarship 2 go to school in italy

how can an italian citizen living in the US, get a scholarship 2 go to school in italy?
im italian but i've been here since i was 8. i wanna move back bcus i have alot of family there. right now i'm studying 2 get my associate's degree. i would like to get a bachelor's degree but i don't wanna wait another 3 yrs 2 go back, what can i do?
Studying Abroad - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Apply directly to the schools in Italy. Your family there can help you select the schools. Good luck.
2 :
You already answered the question..You dont want to wait....So go....If not you will be saying the same thing next year. and then the year after. Life has a funny way of working out for those who give it a try. dont hesitate, make your move and go for it.
3 :
Do you speak or understand Italian? If you are an Italian citizen that really shouldn't be a problem. Just contact the Italian embassy for more information. That really shouldn't be so hard, because I guess you will have a place to live(probably free), colleges in Italy are not so expensive like in the U.S.A. so you will not need to work all your life to return the money,haha.... I am in the opposite position,lol......good luck
4 :
there are some schools that offer student exchange my friend went to NYU and she spent a year studying in Florenza she will go back her 3rd yr to do it all over again. Find schools that have campuses in Italy.
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