Sunday, March 8, 2009

My wife is going to grad school in Italy. What are the requirements for a spouse visa for me

My wife is going to grad school in Italy. What are the requirements for a spouse visa for me?
The consulate is less help than you'd think. :S I'm reading different dates on like for length of study requirements. Some say more than 1 year is required for a spouse visa and others say 6 months. What are the requirements for me to get a spouse visa and what steps do I need to take to obtain one?
Immigration - 1 Answers
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If the consulate is being unhelpful, you may need to do that when you are already in Italy, at the questura. This is not great news, they are notorious for giving bad information and making people wait forever. If you do qualify, you'll have to prove that you have sufficient means to support yourself while you are in Italy. You may also have to provide proof of health insurance for the period you will be in Italy. Most people I know have gotten so frustrated trying to obtain these that they just do without them, and stay as long as law permits without a visa or a little longer.
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