Saturday, January 1, 2011

italy or london i am moving which is better for a american high school girl? please support your choose

italy or london i am moving which is better for a american high school girl? please support your choose?
i may be moving to these two places which one do you think is better for a high school person 9th grader? italy in apartment or london living with 5 other cousin or watever which place is beteer ? some ppl r stupid o my god not by myself god.... with my aunt
Other - Europe - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
you seem a bit young to be making this decision or "choice" on your own. isnt this something your parents should be deciding? regardless, you need to be wherever you know people and trust them. you are still too young to really know what the world can be like. otherwise you will become just another idiot american girl that thought she was invincible and something terrible happens. either place will work just fine and are so close to each other once you are there that you can always visit the one you dont choose. you need to talk to your parents or trusted adults on this, not a web full of strangers.
2 :
You get to take an apartment by yourself at age 14? What's going on, here? You are not old enough to take care of yourself at home, much less all alone in a foreign country! Stay at home with your parents.
3 :
Live in Italy mate. It is safer for someone your age. And the drug problem isn't so bad there.
4 :
I'm italian and i would suggest you to go to London, cause our school system is totally different from all the rest of the world. It could even be not accept everywhere. Btw, America is better i think ;)
5 :
It depends if you speak Italian. I seriously doubt you speak Italian (but I may be wrong) so I'd say play it safe and go to London. If you learn Italian, you could always give Italy a try. I've been living here for almost 9 years and like it very much, but Italy does have it's problems. Well, every country has it's problems but it depends if you are willing to go with the flow or want to live in a nice little box. Will you be moving to Europe by yourself or with your family? I mean, at least here in Italy no one in their right mind will rent an apartment to a 9th grader.