Monday, June 6, 2011

Im going to Italy and Greece in a school trip next year!! Any money making ideas

Im going to Italy and Greece in a school trip next year!! Any money making ideas?
Im going to Italy and Greece next year on a shcool trip, and i have to save up half of it plus spending money, and knowing me ill need ALOT of spending money!! Any money making ideas????? I already have one job, but i dont know if thats going to be enough.
Other - Destinations - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Lucky! The best place I've ever gone to on a school trip is Washington D.C. :( Well..Fundraisers. Car washing, bake sale, garage sale, etc. You could also try taking online surveys and receive checks in the mail for it. Also yard work, pet sitting, babysitting, cleaning... There's a lot you can do.
2 :
Well you could open a lemonade stand... jk, perhaps you should see if there are any jobs available at your local fast food that could maybe increase your spending money for your trip but other than that there isn't anything you can do in this economy. Bestt of luck to you.
3 :
get a seond job or sell stuff on ebay or have a garage sale รข™¥
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