Monday, June 1, 2009

What day and month do most kids get out of school in italy for the summer

What day and month do most kids get out of school in italy for the summer?

Other - Italy - 9 Answers
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1 :
It's practically most of August for Ferragosto. It's to celebrate the Assumption, i.e., the day the Madonna ascended to heaven in the flesh... The actual date is 15th August, but all of Italy practically shuts down for the whole month.
2 :
the last day of school changes every yr, and it does change from one region to another, but by the second week of June school is over and it doesn't start again till the second week of September.
3 :
The dates changes every year and for every region, but basically schools are closed from half June until half September.
4 :
generally they get out at the begining of june( from 6 to 15 june) , it depends from school and school and by region( there isn't a national date..)... school start again from the second week of september..but there isn't a fixed day..
5 :
usually from 9 to 15 of june, but those who have exams finish in the end of the month
6 :
Don't know what day...but school lets out in mid go to school Mon thru Sat...9 to 1 each day!
7 :
Early June every school is different there isn't a specific day
8 :
Schools close this year on 9 June and 30 June each year for kids school( 3-5 old), starts again at about 15 september, at the last year of middle school (13 old) and at last year of high school(18 old) studentsa are involved in final exams until first week of july
9 :
Mid June. Aroiund the 20th. They get back to school around September 14th.
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