Saturday, September 24, 2011

Can you recommend some good language schools in Florence, Italy

Can you recommend some good language schools in Florence, Italy?
I'm visiting Florence for at least 3 months and trying to find an Italian language school. I've come across a ton of schools from google, but it's difficult to differentiate between them. Has anyone ever studied there that can recommend a good school? By "good", I'm taking these factors into consideration: price for intensive courses, price for accommodations (preferably in a private apartment, but a shared flat with other students would be fine also), learning atmosphere of the classes, extra-curricular activities to meet others and learn about Italian culture, and general condition of the school. If I've failed to list something that you think is important, please tell me in your answer. Thanks!
Florence - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I would recommend this school. Check out the link.
2 :
I learnt Italian at a wonderful school in a wonderful area of of Italy. It is not much use if you are commited to going to Florence but have a look anyway. It really is fantastic and I have never looked back. I even wrote a review of it -
3 :
When I lived in Seoul, South Korea, I used to work for a cultural institute where we arranged contacts for Korean students to study in Italy. An Italian language school we had contacts with is called Il David ( and our students were happy with it. Also, another good Italian language school in Florence where we sent some students is Societa' Dante Alighieri (, which is the official school of the oldest Italian Language Association recognised by the Italian government.
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