Friday, September 16, 2011

What do people in Italy eat for Christmas

What do people in Italy eat for Christmas?
Me and my friends are doing a projest on Italy for school and it is 1/5 of our grade.They said i have to do a paragraph on the food.but i don't know what Italian people eat for Christmas .please help!!!!!!!
Christmas - 4 Answers
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1 :
my family is very Italian, like half doesn't even speak English. in the past for Christmas dinner the main plate always had some kind of fish in it. my grandma would make home made macaroni then with her homemade sauce (which is amazing) shed mix in calamari (sp?) and these other little pieces of fish that we call "mean fish." then we had other Italian side dishes.
2 :
depends where you're at in Italy near the sea they would eat a traditional seafood meal more inland they would have a capon a capon is a very large castrated chicken. also regular traditional dishes with lots of wine cheeses and even turkeys or a goose.
3 :
traditional pasta and anchovies with oil also cod fish... baclav and lots of sweet pastries
4 :
they eat bannahs with nuts and carmel fudge with whip cream on it and um cherry grapes with orange wine
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