Friday, December 16, 2011

School Year Abroad... Italy or France

School Year Abroad... Italy or France?
I want to apply to go on a school year abroad through a program called SYA, and I cannot decide whether it would be better to go to Italy or to France. What do you think? The program in Italy is based in Viterbo, which is about 2 hours away from Rome, and the program in France is based in Rennes. I meet the requirements for both programs--that is, I'm taking a French II class at the moment, and I have an interest in languages (which is the prerequisite for the Italian program--I do speak a little Italian, but very little... my Spanish is pretty good though, and combined with my french knowledge I can understand a lot). Anyway, if you have been through this program to either of these countries (or any others) or know someone who has, what did you or they think? And if not and you know the program or the places or really just want to share your opinion, what do you think? Thank you so much! Both would benefit me, just in different ways.. I want to experience the cultures and learn the languages and see what it's like living somewhere completely new and meeting new people... In Italy the focus is on the Classics.. you learn Latin and some Ancient Greek as well as Italian, and study ancient history.. most classes are taught in English. In France the focus is more on France, and similar to what you'd probably have as far as a junior year course load in the states.. except that everything is taught in French, and there's much more emphasis on the French people and their history.
Studying Abroad - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I think you should do Italy! I have been to both places!
2 :
You didn't mention which class would benefit you more. What are you studying, what is your ultimate goal with the whole thing. If both the courses are the same, I would go with France because you speak the language better. You could solidify your French skills as well as taking the course. If it were me I would go to Italy, I don't speak ether language but I love Italian food, and I love classical art. It might seem silly but make a chart Italy / France and write all the pros /cons for each one to help you decide.
3 :
I've had friends who've gone to both Italy & France. The ones who went to France found it to be a neat place to visit. The ones who went to Italy loved it so much that they don't want to come home. :)
4 :
I think Italy is a better choice. You will see and learn more about classical music and artworks and their awesome architecture. For me, Italy has a richer history than France. Plus, since your French is already good, you might want to master your Italian and I heard they do most of their classes in Italian.
5 :
I answer to your question just becouse I knew Viterbo very well. Here are some information, you can check them on the italian Wikipedia or Google or here: - - It's a small town (60K citizens) with Middle Ages heritage. It looks like a typical Tuscany's town, even though it's in Lazio. It's province is part of the so called "Etruria", the land of ancient Etruscans. The countryside around is very nice. There are sweet hills, and volcanic mountains with beautiful lakes and woods. The town is at the bottom of Cimini mountains, with the beautiful small Vico lake. Volsini mountains, with the larger Bolsena lake, are just 10km far away. The local beach is in Tarquinia (30 km far away), which is one of the two main ancient Etruscan centers, and has a marvellous necropolis with painted rooms. Otherwise, the more beautiful (in my opinion) Tuscany's beaches are next door. The downtown has an interesting medieval side, and a modern one. Interesting medieval events take place, expecially on September (Saint Rosa celebration is a must, very impressive!). They help to understand our traditions & culture. Minor arts exibitions, and other events, take place along the whole year. The town is a university center, and a military school center. So, there are yougths everywhere from Italy and other countries. People are friendly and they speak a good Italian, becouse the local dialect is very soft, near the right language. That's good to practise the language. Obviously, it has all modern town facilities (gyms, pools, bowlings, cinemas, one big theater, discos, restourants, pizzerias, etc, etc). Next to the town there are thermal baths, with pools where people like to swim at night on summer. As you wrote, Rome is next door (just 1,5H by train or coach). So, "viterbesi" are used to study, work, do shopping or just have fun in Rome. But several other towns are near: Siena, Arezzo, Perugia, Assisi, etc. So, you can visit all these interesting places of Tuscany & Umbria in just one day tour by train or coach. To visit Florence, Pisa, Bologna, even Milan or Naples, you need at least two days. Life is peaceful and sweet in Viterbo, as in many italian provincial town. So, you can focus on your study, and have fun during the spare time. It can be a little boring if your are looking for special excitements. Hope all this can help you. Bye, bye!
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