Friday, December 24, 2010

where can i find a school in naples italy wherein the enrolment does'nt require payment first

where can i find a school in naples italy wherein the enrolment does'nt require payment first?
Trivia - 1 Answers
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1 :
there isnt exist that kind of the school. if u want free, u can have informal education held by church or city.
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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Exchange italy high school of bacoli with landon school of washington!

Exchange italy high school of bacoli with landon school of washington!?
hi I'm an italian girl and i will come in washington with my high school I'll attenden the landon school for 10 days in april ( 24 april- 3 may)...This is possible thanks to an exchange.. There are people that attended this school? Can you tell me some informations about the school and the city? There are someone that take part in it?I'll be an host in a family...! Thanks Ps.sorry my horrible english! :D sorry for * yes is a boy school but there is a female distric but i don't remember the name! thanks! Your italian is good enough...while my english mhm! lol
Washington, D.C. - 1 Answers
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umm... The only Landon School in the Washington, D.C. area that I know of is an all-boys school. I don't think they accept female exchange students. La sola Scuola di Landon nella Washington, D.C. l'area che so di è una scuola per i ragazzi. Non penso che accettino gli studenti di scambio femminili. E sono così spiacente per il mio Italin orribile, è probabilmente molto peggiore di i suoi inglesi.
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I'm looking for a cooking class/school in Italy....(Details inside)

I'm looking for a cooking class/school in Italy....(Details inside)?
Here are my criteria for the class: ~3-4 hour class that is only one day long ~Prefered to be in the Tuscany area (Umbria region is best, but places like Florence are okay) ~I'd really like it to involve italian culture-like where we would go to the market and then back to the kitchen to cook ~Must be able to speak English Thank you so much!! :)
Ethnic Cuisine - 1 Answers
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Yes, there is a cooking class in Italy that I came across in the internet. I came across it a month ago thinking "that would be a nice place to go for a vacation." I need to backtrack my steps to find that link.
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Should I miss school for a trip to Italy

Should I miss school for a trip to Italy?
Next month I will (hopefully) be going to Italy. I am a juinor in High School and to go I would have to miss a week and a half of school. Since it is a vacation, it is not excused and I wont be able to make up the work I missed. This would make me have a chance of failing a few of my classes for the semester. But I dont want to give up this great opportunity to travel. HELP! What should I do??
Etiquette - 10 Answers
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well you can always catch up with work and you will only regret it for the rest of your life! xx go! :)
2 :
It's an opportunity you should take! Tell all of your teachers you are going. Maybe they'll give you some of the work they've already planned out. Hopefully they will understand! I hope it all works out! Have fun!
3 :
It is up to you how important school is for you, If I were you I would not risk my classes for a trip even to the moon! So you have some thinking to do, think that Italy will always be there and you can go when you don't have class.
4 :
You have to keep in mind whether or not your grades are important to you. If you plan on going to college, your junior year is critial as those are the most recent grades the college will see. But a trip to Italy is amazing, and if you think you can do AMAZING the rest of the year... then what the hell go for it especially if it's once in a lifetime chance :)
5 :
you sure you couldn't do the work before?I think if you approached your teachers and asked if you could turn your work in early for that week,explaining that you'd like to travel but make it clear you aren't trying to get out of work, they would probably allow you to.
6 :
lol, if you just communicate with your teacher about doing the work beforehand, everything should be fine. So many people on here are just scurrying around trying to figure out how to get something to work on their own given perceived options, when the answer would be evident if you just kept communication open.
7 :
I grew up in the military, and we missed at least 3 weeks of school each year travelling. I think the education you get in real life from experiencing new and culturally different things is just as important as math, science, and reading. I have never heard of a school failing a kid for vacationing, and I think you are wrong in thinking that.
8 :
Go to Italy, that's what I did. The only difference is that I was in college, which I think is harder to catch up since I was in a quarter system. I missed 2 weeks and was able to pass. If you think this is your only opportunity to go there, GO. Just talk to your teacher. Tell her that this is a great opportunity for you to learn about the Italian culture and that traveling will aid in self discovery. Also, tell her that you'd be willing to give a written project/report on what you've learned about Italian culture, what you discovered about yourself, your views of the world, and life in U.S.A. vs Italy. If all else fails, there's always summer school if she fails you.
9 :
10 :
If you're not planning to graduate or go to college, failing classes doesn't have much impact. It might be helpful if your parents talked to each of your teachers to come up with a plan for you to either make up the work, or do other assignments while on your trip to satisfy their requirements.
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Do medical schools in Italy allow cadaver dissection or does the Church keep them from doing this

Do medical schools in Italy allow cadaver dissection or does the Church keep them from doing this?
Historically the Catholic Church has been against this practice. Wondering what modern restrictions are.
Religion & Spirituality - 3 Answers
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Italian Government doesn't equal Vatican City (its own State). Yes, they do. And for the record: Silvio Berlusconi (Prime Minister) believes FIRST in politics THEN religion
2 :
The Catholic church has over 600 hospitals in the US alone. Some of their Universities have Medical programs. What do you think?
3 :
This isn't the Middle Ages anymore. Most of Europe is pretty secular, the government has much more power than the Church. The Church can try to rule over people's personal decisions, but it can't tell Universities what to do (unless of course the University is affiliated with the Catholic Church).
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What are some good art schools in Italy that have classes in English

What are some good art schools in Italy that have classes in English?
If it helps, I'm interested in more classical type art, but any recommendations will be appreciated.
Other - Italy - 2 Answers
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Hopefully, you'll get some answers from students with direct experience with the schools. In the event that you don't, there are a lot of possibilities that you can do some further research on:
2 :
I studied at SACI in Florence for a semester a few years ago. The classes really varied as to the approach. The drawing class I took was more classically based, but the painting class was more contemporary. However, it all of the students had their own unique styles and that seemed to be respected. Most of the schools that teach art in English are aimed at American students studying for a semester or two abroad. If you would like to earn a BFA while in Italy, that may be a little more difficult.
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Monday, November 8, 2010

i know school in italy is free....where else is it free

i know school in italy is free....where else is it free???

Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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Most of Europe has free higher education for its residents.
2 :
3 :
Italy, as you'd mentioned. Bulgaria. Greece. The Czech Republic. Iceland. I think the Ukraine. I believe Japan. In fact, most European countries, and some Asian nations, offer free university education, but there are often rules around who can attend for free. In some countries, such as the Czech Republic, it's as simple as being able to speak the local language fluently. I believe Iceland is like this as well, but you'd want to check. In other countries, you're required to be fluent in the local language and to be either a resident or a citizen of that country. In all cases, you usually have to take an entrance exam or have (if you're in the US now) SAT scores above a certain level in order to apply. You may also need AP exams, or SAT II subject tests. And be cautious, because not all country's university degrees are accepted by other countries. The quality can vary.
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Monday, November 1, 2010

free online high school diploma while in Italy

free online high school diploma while in Italy?
does anyone know where to find an online high school where my 9th grader can get her education while residing in Italy? please let me know. She is currently in an Italian school and is not learning anything due to her mediocre knowledge of the language. Thanks!
Home Schooling - 1 Answers
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Yes, I know an online high school which is a best fit for the kind of situation that you are in now and it is called Keystone National High School. It is an accredited online high school. You can learn more about their accreditation on their website which I have provided a link to below. It doesn't matter where you are residing, you can still enroll in Keystone National High School. They have correspondence courses (mailed courses) and online courses. You choose the type of format in which you want your courses delivered. You can choose to take individual courses through them to supplement your high school curriculum or you can choose to earn an accredited high school diploma through them. To learn more about Keystone National High School, you can go to their website at . Hope my answer helps.
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Sunday, October 24, 2010

What's it like to do a High School study abroad in Italy

What's it like to do a High School study abroad in Italy?
I'm a freshman and a prospective study abroad student. Please only answer this if you have done this or have some way of knowing what these are like. First and foremost did you speak Italian when you arrived or did you learn? What were your Host family like? Overall did you like it? what company did you study abroad with?
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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my brother did it and he spoke a little italian (1st cd of rosetta stone italy) his host family was really nice and he hooked up with their daughter haha
2 :
I lived in Spain and France for a year when I was younger. I studied at universities there and lived with a host family. It was honestly the best experience of my life. I learned so much, not just about the languages and culture but about how to survive in the big wide world. It opens up doors and all sorts of possibilities for your future life. As a result, I was never worried about travelling anywhere or doing new things. I now live full time in Italy, and love it. I spoke very little of the language when I arrived but learned it very quickly - living in the country is the best way to learn. The families were wonderful, spoke very little English but we got by with a dictionary and many gestures! I was, and you may well be, lonely and homesick at times, but it's worth everything for the confidence it will give you. Italy is a wonderful country and the people are warm and friendly. Have a look at this website : which offers a whole package for students like you who want to study abroad, for anything from a month to a year. It offers a really good level of student support for you and, importantly, for your parents as well so that they won't be as worried about you living alone in a foreign country. You can also apply for financial aid - there's a section on this website that tells you how. It's worth organising your stay in Italy through an agency like this because if anything goes wrong, they are there to help you. This isn't the only one - just do a Google search for 'study in Italy as a college student' and you will see them all - but it's one of the best. They even provide an international mobile phone for you while you're away! They offer either Rome or Florence, both of which are amazing cities. Either would be a brilliant place to study; Rome is big and buzzy and there's a lot going on there for young people; Florence is a bit more laid back. I wish you the very best of luck.
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Saturday, October 16, 2010

which is the prettiest school in italy? and the most perstigious

which is the prettiest school in italy? and the most perstigious?

Other - Italy - 1 Answers
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if you are talking about universities the ones in Milan,Florence and Rome are the best. The most prestigious in my opinion are Bocconi in Milan, La Sapienza in Rome.
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Friday, October 1, 2010

What is that movie about a Japanese and Chinese couple who meet in Italy and promise to meet again

What is that movie about a Japanese and Chinese couple who meet in Italy and promise to meet again?
Both art students (I think) they meet at school in Italy, and then promise to met again five-ten years later at the same place. I think Kaneshiro Takeshi was in it, but I have no idea. Help me out here?
Movies - 5 Answers
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1 :
Madame Butterfly
2 :
short term memory lost
3 :
4 :
Calmi Cuori Apassionati With Kelly Chen.
5 :
Before Sunrise?
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Friday, September 24, 2010

What is the best school to study italian in italy in

What is the best school to study italian in italy in?
I'd want it to be a city area where there's stuff to do after 8 or 9pm. I was thinking of going to ACLE in bologna, but they haven't returned my emails so I'm afraid to invest in that school.
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
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I'd go to any of the university towns where there'll be a bit of student life. in Siena for example
2 :
Milan's the most european city of Italy. Also Rome could be a good choice:
3 :
Almost all offices are closed in August for holidays. Maybe that's why they have not replied yet
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Thursday, September 16, 2010

High school exchange? Italy? France? Good stories? Bad stories? worth it

High school exchange? Italy? France? Good stories? Bad stories? worth it?
i live in canada and have good grades, i also know the company were going to do the exchange through (its a non profit organization called my guidance counselor said its a great idea, i can choose between italy, france, spain, mexico, belgium, the netherlands and germany. although you choose 4 countries on the entry for my choices go like this 1. italy 2. france 3. spain 4. belgium i speak french but you can go knowing very little of whatever language you speak in the country you choose. im just worried about 1 thing, first the person from the other country comes here and lives with me and my family for threemonths from mid-august to mid-november and then i go from mid-february to mid-may and i dont mind being away from my parents cause im used to that but im worried about having to be with this person in my home 24/7, no alone time with my best friends etc. can anyone tell me of their experience? advice? anything? Thanks a million!
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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hi, i'm from the UK and i've been on a student exchange, though here it isn't as long as that, it's only for a week and i went to germany. it was amazing yet really scary, and you can still do loads of stuff with your mates, just do something that you'd all enjoy. you wouldn't have to be with them all the time, i mean three months is a long time, maybe they'll make some friends of their own, or maybe you and your mates might become really good friends with this other person. remeber that this might be this persons first time abroad, or away from home, so be sensitive.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Is it possible to study in italy RIGHT OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL

Is it possible to study in italy RIGHT OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL?
I will be entering my senior year of high school and graduating in June 2009. i was wondering if it is possible to do a degree program for languages, or anything for that matter in Florence Italy. Has anyone ever done that? Is it possible to go from high school to a University in Italy and not in the US? Anyone have any experience with this and could you help me if you do?
Studying Abroad - 3 Answers
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I don't think so, your first year is mostly that "get to know you" crap, and they don't want you to fall through the cracks your first semester there by taking on something intense like time abroad. But second semester you should be GOLDEN. All I can say is GO GO GO!!!! and good luck!
2 :
probably. i live in britain and hold a European Union passport so i can move inbetween te 22 countries already in the EU you must apply and then get a student visa, they can convert your grades to italian equivelnts so you wont need to take additional exams, te first year of university is not get to know you crap as in previous answers, a serious degree is started straight away with smaller tutor groups meeting for once a week troughout the year, no get to know you suff could take a year the uni doesnt care about your personality
3 :
Yes. I answered your other question about studying in Italy, but here is a great source for degree programs in Florence. This is the link so you can do a personalized search for the type of degree you want to earn: ... and then this is a link of general degree programs: You don't need a first year or semester of college in the U.S. before leaving ... why waste your time, if you really want to be in Florence? Just jump in! Good luck!
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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Im wanting to go to Italy on a school trip in 2010 and i dont know how to get the money.

Im wanting to go to Italy on a school trip in 2010 and i dont know how to get the money.?
Im fourteen and what is an easy way to make money. I need 1100 dollars by spring break 2010. the tickets are 2500 but my dad is willing to meet me half way.
Air Travel - 2 Answers
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deliver newspapers, rake lawns, shovel snow, etc. etc. and put that money in a savings account. does your school already have the travel arrangements figured out? email me...
2 :
u have plenty of time dont worry try a yard sale sell some old stuff u dont use or wash ur dads car/moms/brothers/sisters bake things and sell em Lemonade Stand ask relatives uncles aunts 4 money if ur dad gives u money everyday dont waist it babysit clean house take care of neighbors pets. dog walker,gardener,pet groomer,BEHAVE,ask friends,cats,clean windows,sale something like chocolate door to door salesman,andclean ur house.
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Is it good to go to a University in Italy

Is it good to go to a University in Italy?
I am an American Student who would like to study medicine in Italy but I don't know if it is good to go study in an American school in Italy or would it be better to study medicine in The United States? Are Italian University's good? Would it be better to have an American medical degree or an Italian medical degree? Please tell me!
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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It wuld be better if you study in the U.S. because my uncle studied medicine in russia and when he came back to u.s. he had to go to school all over again..and you should ask someone that had experienced it...
2 :
In order to make it all as clear as possible: there are a lot of Italians who obtained their degree in medicine that are now working in the US; for a series of reason in some areas may be difficult to find a satisfying working status; in medicine, for instance, Italian research institutes are actually high rated worldwide, but they're relatively few in quantity and there's a lot of people studying medicine. In other areas fields there's the problem is the opposite, and we need to "import brains", like for computer sciences and related (and still the University in Turin is one of the best in Europe). So, yes, Italian Universities for Medicine are very good, and they're degrees have high values in the US as well. If you want to work in Italy, instead, that's may be more difficult.
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Monday, August 16, 2010

where do teens in Italy go to school

where do teens in Italy go to school?
I'm writing a story, and my character lives in Tuscany, but goes to school. Should she be going to boarding school? or are there schools in Tuscany?
Etiquette - 3 Answers
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Of course there are schools in Tuscany .... Duh. Look up the Italian for school.
2 :
they go to school, just like anywhere else.
3 :
Leaving aside the observation that the most successful writers write about what they know (ahem), I'll just say that yes, there are schools. And if you know boarding schools better, you can do that too.
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Sunday, August 8, 2010

whould like to know what family life is like in italy, for school project

whould like to know what family life is like in italy, for school project?
I'm doing research for a school project into Italian family structure, child-rearing and discipline Thanks for answering Ish
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
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1 :
Nowadays structure of Italian families is rather different as in the past (same has happened with a lot of other Countries, and US shouldn't be the exception). Till the years 50's Italy was a Nation having the agriculture as the main family's resource. Hence families were rather large to guarantee the maximum possible number of arms devoted to the work in the fields.The life's cost was rather cheap being the majority of the feeding coming directly from the family's activity in the country and almost nothing bought in the shops. With the industrialization and the increased costs to grow up the children the demographic trend had an inversion and the natality index became one of the lowest worldwide. Also the fact ,very well known even abroad, that Italians remain very longtime in the family has nothing to do with our "renowned" affection to our parents; it's just due to a simple economic reason, houses are too expensive and the life's cost is almost unbearable for a single young- Child-rearing and discipline are the same as everywhere. We have no special instructions to the use. We just give our children the best upbringing as possible by teaching them families value, respect of one's neighbour, religious values (if praticants), money's worth,etc.
2 :
Italy traditionally has a reputation for large families, with a 'Mama' that does all the house work and a 'Papa' that is the breadwinner and heads up th family. Italian fathers are usually seen as highly protective of their daughters. This reputation is founded on what Southern Italian life was like before industrialisation. In the North family life hasn't been like this since the Industrial revolution arrived in the late 1800's-large families were needed to tend the farms. Italy's birth rate has plummeted since the 'economic miracle' of the 1960's. Like many other developed countries, women now play a major part in the economy (though Italy is still much more biased towards men in terms of income and job opportunities)and as a result decide to put their careers ahead of having children. This and the widespread availability of contraception from the 1960's has caused the decline. In the South the culture of having a large family is still prevalent, however high unemployment causes many of the young people to move to the North, where the 'career before children' mentality kicks in. Italy's birth rate of 8.5 children/thousand is among the lowest in the world. The high cost of housing, desire to live a material lifestyle and the amount of work involved in rearing children have been named as reasons for Italy's low birthrate. So, women that decide to have children tend to only have one. Child rearing and discipline, like any country relies on the parents. Some may practise 'liberal parenting' while others will follow more traditional routes. The only thing to add to this is that Itakian teenagers tend to spend more time around their families than other countries teenagers. This is because the family meal, even in modern Italy is still seen as important
3 :
The italian cutlure is totally different then the american one I just lived there for 3 years. Children are very special there and everyone loves them they can t do anything wrong. Everyone in the family gets together on Sundays and has a big dinner and talks watches "football" soccer or goes to the beaches. Mom have children and dont work again. Children live at home till they get married and can afford to buy all the thing for there house and pay for the wedding. The brides parents usually buys the house for the couple or the land for the couple to build on. They usually live close to there family and never really leave the area. Boys in the family are treated as if they are the best thing in the world. Hope this helps.
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Sunday, August 1, 2010

are there any good hotel management/tourism school in italy/ anywhere in europe

are there any good hotel management/tourism school in italy/ anywhere in europe?
i need the names of good reputed schools. thanks all
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
Swiss Hotel Schools are the best in the world. Learn Cullinary skills at the best. Visit the link below for all the leading hotel schools in europe and US.
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Saturday, July 24, 2010

I am an American senior girl looking to go to school in Italy but I do not have any scholarships

I am an American senior girl looking to go to school in Italy but I do not have any scholarships?
Hi, I am a senior in high school and I was wondering if i can get a scholarship to go to Italy and if I need to speak fluent italian to attend a university there. But perhaps I should start by giving a little background first. I am an American girl but my parents are from Brazil. I lived there for 10 years though and came back in 2004. I speak english, portuguese and spanish fluently and am taking French 2 and 3 this year. I have been told by my teachers that I have a gift for languages. So Italian wouldn't be that hard for me to learn. I have a waited 3.1 GPA and participate in 10 clubs.I have won State for spanish III and won district twice for spanish and won best student in french class last year. However, I do not know have any money, my parents have a business that is not doing well, and I am completely unable to provide the money. Also, my dad's side has italian heritage, and my last name is italian, paiva, would i be able to get a scholarship for that or would they take that into consideration??? would i be able to stay there for four years if i wanted to ???? Please, any information or help would be of good use as I am completely clueless about college and scholarships. also, this is my first time with yahoo answers so pardon me if it seems a little weird.
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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I don't have much in the way of advice, but would suggest you look at the universities that are in Italy and start looking at their scholarships, they may have something that you can apply for. Find the Uni's that will suit you and go from there, talk to their guidance counselors, talk to your current counselor and ask them these questions, they're probably the best ones to ask and can answer all your questions. Sorry i haven't been much help... :) Good luck!
2 :
You can get info about such college scholarships and grants online here -
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Friday, July 16, 2010

Asking your suggestion for film school in italy. My friend really need some info,please

Asking your suggestion for film school in italy. My friend really need some info,please?
Straight to the point,i got this fella who wants to advance his skill in movie-making by taking few courses (or even degree) at university or academy for film studies. But,he actually wants to go to italy as his choice to get the certificate in film/theatre/television subject and yet hopefully would be able to expand his career there and to get a job in that field as well. He believes that attending film school abroad would become a "ticket" to reach his goal.Well,actually, I do agree with that too haha (FYI : i'm planning to study film overseas in canada/USA next year) But,the problem is my friend doesn't speak italian that well.He would prefer to enroll in international film academy/university or any kind of place whose the courses are taught in english. Thank you for your help. I'll appreciate that. He really needs to know this information. p.s.sorry i was supposed asking this question in "yahoo! italy" but, i hardly speak italian languages haha
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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ZeLIG is an institution dedicated to training people in the documentary film sector; in Bolzano (north of Italy).
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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Advice on going to medical school in Italy

Advice on going to medical school in Italy?
I plan on going to the University of Illinois-at Chicago to enroll in their BSN program to be a registerd nurse, and then I want to furthur my education and go to a medical school in Italy to become a Child Neurologist. After my four years there I would like to come back to the U.S and do my residency for four years. I've heard good and bad things about going to medical school in Italy, but I cant make up my mind... Please Help!!! Any Advice Is Needed!!!! Thank you -Nancy G.
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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It's unlikely that you would be accepted into any medical school in Italy (not impossible, just unlikely). Most countries are reluctant to give up one of their seats to a US citizen due to the fact most want to do just what you have indicated--go back to the US. Italy has 42 medical schools and all are taught in Italian and all are six years. You can find info on each, with a link to its web page at the International Medical Education Directory:
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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Going to school in Italy

Going to school in Italy?
I am thinking about going to the American University in Rome, has anyone been there? I am studying International Government and Politics and hoping to be a diplomat one day so I want to get as much experience as possible. Does anyone have any advice? Anyone know of a better college there or in a different part of Italy?
Other - Italy - 5 Answers
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1 :
Well where do you live now?
2 :
Try Internships though I doubt they have internships for a diplomat. Try volunteering for your ambassy
3 :
Lucky!! I wish. I have heard that Italianos don't put the same premium on time as we do and it is perfectly okay to be late--one of the main reasons I want to go there!
4 :
I don't think there is an American university here in Italy. The best way to study here is to go to a normal university... but for this you need to know Italian. You can contact directly a Italian university. You can search on google something like "università degli studi di" and then you add the name of the city. Example: "università degli studi di Torino" or università degli studi di Roma" And you get the web site
5 :
Have you visited the study abroad office yet? Your university most likely has an office that specializes in getting students into a school that meets their needs abroad and you can generally get it to count towards your major if you go through the office. I am in the same field and so I have looked at a few different schools abroad that offer programs in International Affairs. There is a school on the border of France and Germany, I can't remember the city. It is a really popular place to go because they have a proram that specializes in government. If I think of it, I'll let you know. The American University in Rome is nice, but I have found it to be very expensive. There are a million other places and programs in the country of Italy and across Europe that are nowhere near the costs of the American University. They good news is that it isn't as expensive as the AU in Dublin..... My choice for university would be to go to the Universita per Stranieri, It is about an hour from Rome in Perugia. Stranieri means foreigners. Another top choice is the Universita di Bologna. Bologna is about an hour from Florence and is a beautiful city and the university there has programs for students in English and to teach Italian. Some of my friend studied in Florence and they also enjoyed it there. Arcadia University has great programs abroad. I'll include their website below. Most schools work with Arcadia and send students to their programs. The other options that you can look into doing are internships for the United States Embassy Services. You may end up somewhere "exotic" but having it on your resume is golden. There are also International Relations based internships at the State Department and the CIA. They are all great options and many offer fabulous summer internships and often your school can give you credit towards your major for completing one of these programs. I would start off by talking to your Academic Advisor, the Study Abroad Office, and of course, your parents. Good luck!
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Thursday, June 24, 2010

What is the school system in Venice, Italy or Rome

What is the school system in Venice, Italy or Rome?
Does anyone know how the schools are run, what they're like, when do children start school, when do they graduate, etc. Anything about them at all?
Venice - 2 Answers
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2 :
The problem in explaining the italian school system is that there isn't a direct corrispondence between the english system: -Asilo (nursery school) at age of 4 until the babies are 6 (it's optional) -Elementari (primary education) it lasts 5 years,so from they're 6 until they're 11 years old. -Medie ("secondary school") it lasts 3 years, until they're 13.It gives you a Licenza Media (but - Superiori (secondary school) it lasts 5 years, until they're 18. however you have to go to school only until when you're 16,then you can leave and go to work, but,due to without a Diploma (a degree that is given after the Superiori) you wouldn't work,you are forced to continue. Superiori can be either a Liceo (that is a school that gives you a large cultural formation,although it isn't very useful for working,so after liceo you are forced to go to the university),or Scuola Professionale (that gives you a professional preparation,for example for becoming an electrician,and than after it you can work). As i've said after Superiori you get a Diploma,a kind of degree. -The last step is the Università (University). It consists in 3 years of general formation,that it's called Laura Magistrale or Laurea Breve (a degree) and than 2 years of a a deeply specialization,that's called Specializzazione(master degree).However there are other faculties like Medicine that consist in 6 year and than a specialization of 2 years.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Documents needed to move from a foreign school

Documents needed to move from a foreign school?
Can you help me? I'm trying to find what kind of documents I have to have to move my daughter from her primary school in Italy to one in NJ. In which class usually they have the first Communion in USA? Thank you very much.
Immigration - 1 Answers
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You'll need the child's birth certificate. You'll need the child's complete record of vaccinations. Public schools in the United States do not engage in any religious activity. Catholic students in the public schools normally take Catechism classes, at church, after school hours. If you want your daughter to take religious instruction, in school, you'll have to enroll her in a private Catholic school. Generally these cost several thousand dollars per year. Each US school district is different when it comes to placement of foreign students. My wife and I lived outside the United States with our 6 children for many years. When we finally came back in the 90's we enrolled them in American schools. We brought transcripts of their classes from their old schools along with their gradings and submitted it all to the school district we moved to in Maryland. They reviewed it and interviewed the children. Based on everything they placed them in the appropriate classes.
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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

what is the best medical school in italy

what is the best medical school in italy?

Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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i think there is no medical (((((((((( school )))))))))
2 :
Italia Medico
3 :
There are 42 medical schools in Italy. Here's a link to a list of them: Each school has a link to its web page. I don't know of any medical school in Italy that offers an English language program.
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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Help!!!! How can I call my parents from all around the Earth using my local cell phone number in Italy

Help!!!! How can I call my parents from all around the Earth using my local cell phone number in Italy?
I'm planning to study in a summer school in Italy. But I always wanted to tour the world for maybe 2 months. I DON'T WANT MY PARENTS TO KNOW WHERE I AM. can call and receive their calls using my local number in Italy? If not, then wat is the best solution? Thank you.
Cell Phones & Plans - 7 Answers
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add national calling to ur phone. my girlfriends daughter is in england in the air force and thats how she keeps contact. we were able to do txt message for awhile
2 :
Rent or buy an international cell phone or satellite phone. Or, just get a calling card from wherever you are and call them. It'll just come up on caller id as international, unknown, or an 800 number. They'll only know where you are if you tell them. But, basically your US cell won't work overseas unless you have that plan (international phone = big bucks)
3 :
best thing to do is tell them hey mom dad this is what i am going to do the next 2 months be done with problem
4 :
You can call them by using the appropriate country code and click hide my number so that your number will not appear on their phone as they receive your call. Thanks
5 :
Take a world calling card from your home mobile network, it will be useful. Hoiwever, i suggest you do tell aboiut your plans to your parents...
6 :
just put your mobile on 'roaming' and you can call on your local number. Only I think it is not a good idea to hide from your parents. You should take their permission.
7 :
You an use your local cell and pay about $4 a minute. Or buy an Italian SIM card on arrival - it's cheaper. Why not use Gtalk or Skype on a laptop? Almost free. And if you parents have no PC, you can call from Skype to a land-line phone though the premium service. Now - why would you not want your parents to know where you are? Obviously you are not interested to give them peace of mind while traveling (and you are not experienced enough to know how easy it is to get assaulted or killed when traveling alone, especially in Italy), so why call them at all? Just blow them off the entire time you are there. Thankfully, they are not paying for any of this trip, so you don't owe them anything, right? What a rude, self-serving twit.
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Monday, May 24, 2010

high school life in italy

high school life in italy?
what is it like to be in high school in italy (rome). such as hours,courses, anything interesting...etc
Other - Italy - 5 Answers
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i went to Italian school but in Milan. Anyway Italian school is very different from American. here in Italy u have 8-9 or 10 subject for all year. U have just one class so u don't have to change class every time u change subject! the hours can change but usually is from 8.20 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.. we have different kind of high school. so during the middle school u have to decided what do u want to do, the courses u want to do and then u can find the right school for u! i hope i help u...and sorry for English!!!!
2 :
hello I'm Italian and i think that Italian high school is quite difficult but very enjoyable!! about courses they take place usually in the evening but you can chose to do them or not..i hope you will like Italy...
3 :
I'm Italian i had an American schoolmate and he had a lot of difficulties , especially in mathematics and he was one of the best students in his school in America!...Italian high school is much more hard than American high school
4 :
ciao! im an italian and ive been hosting an american girl for 7 months..she is enrolled regulary to an high school here and i asked her for an opinion (morgan's opinion) Schools in Italy I would say are a lot more old school. The school day normally starts at around 8 and then ends around 1 or 2 because people go home to eat lunch. The grading stystem is simple, 1-10, 1 being you didnt do anything 10 being excellent. The relationship between teachers and students are differnt. Yes they joke around but it seems to me that the teachers have less respect for students for the most part. Also some students to teachers if the teacher isnt very strict. In class people can eat and there is no school uniforms, in this way its relaxed. Also it is normal to see people smoking in the school building. For studying it is a lot about memorizing what you are given to study because the teachers do oral tests in class regularly. Students study normally in the afternoon after they have eaten lunch for some hours and then if they have time or if they want go out in the evening. Depending on the school you are going to be attending (there are classical, scientific, artistic, linguistic, and professional public high schools) there are different courses. When you attend one school you are required to take all the courses, and courses that seem to be in all of the schools are italian grammatics and literature, math, and science of some sort.
5 :
italian school system is uniformed in all country. i'm italian. it lasts 5 years it starts in the middle of september and ends in the middle of june. monday-saturday (yes saturday too!!) the day starts at 8 o'clock and finishes at 1,30-2p.m., the school remains closed and everybody go home for lunch and the rest of the day. you have 5-6 subjects for day, they are 10-11 all, and all obligatory. a tipical classes-day consists in explaining some units of the programm, and make oral test to 4-5 students random. (we usually are scared about), that's the reason why you have to study hard all afternoon long to be prepaired in each subject, in case you are going to be tested. we have different kind of high school -classic (italians, old latin, old greek, math, science, phylosophy, history, physic, chemestry, physical education, art, english) -scientific (without old greek and more hours of math) -linguistico (2-3 languages, without greek and latin) -istituto tecnico (it prepairs you for some specific works) -professionale (the same with many hours of pratice) -art (i don't know anything about) you can't attend different subject, only the "officials". the schools are very old and there's few attention in sports, foreign language, and pratice in general, the study is very theorical, mnemonic and hard. it is very fun on the other page, and you remains all 5 years long in class with the same 30persons, so many friendship and love, born on the "school-desk"..
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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Art School in Italy

Art School in Italy?
What is the best art school in italy pleasE? thx
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
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For me it's the DAMS in Florence
2 :
Whch kind of art? I'm italain contemporary artist, i studied in the Accademy of Fine Art. There are about 10 in Italy, you can choise about the city and your artistic interest. Tell me more! I can help to found the better for you! You are welcome in Italy
3 :
when i was in florence i took classes at the santa reparata international school of art and let me tell you, it was great. its a beautiful little school smack in the middle of florence.
4 :
MARANGONI in Milano. The best of all.
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Saturday, May 8, 2010

The daily life of a high school student living in Italy

The daily life of a high school student living in Italy?
For an assignment... A specific city in Italy if you can, like what they do in that city for entertainment where they hang out or whatever... But MOST important please is their school schedule: How many days a week? Roughly what hours? Any lunch breaks? What types of classes and for how long in each class? Please help! Just any vague ideas are welcome! Thank you muchly :)
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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I live near Treviso (San donà di piave) there isn't much to do we mostly hang out in bars (there are really a lot), cinema or shopping center.. In summer all young people go to the beach wich is just 30 min by bus.. SCHOOL SCHEDULE: We go to school from monday to saturday (sunday is our only day off), I start at 8.10 (other schools at 8.15) at 11.00 we have a break of 15 minutes and we finish at 13.10. Two days a week we do an extra hour and so i finish at 14.00. Here doesn't exist lunch breaks all high schools finish no later than 14.00, only professionals schools (like to become cooks) can even have lunch and lessons in the afternoon. However in high schools it can happen that some classes return to school in afternoon to do 2 hours of gym. This year there were changes for the hours that had become longer (decided by the minister Gelmini) actually there will be a strike to protest against this tomorrow.. The first to hours are of 60 min, the third of 55 min and other of 50 min... I attend a language high school as languages we study eng, german and the third year you choose between french and spanish. We always stay in the same class room (the teachers move into the different classes) we move only go to the gym, the laboratory of chemical and physical or to the computer room. If you don't know high school here is 5 years long and there are different types, mainly are this: -languge school -liceo classico (i don't think there is a translation to this xD Mainly you study greek, latin and a lot of literature) -liceo scentifico (a lot of maths and science) For tests we do writtens plus orals... There around 25 students for classes, same even reach 30.. Oh god i don't know what else to write xDD Hope I helped :)
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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Are there any math, physics, or chemistry competitions for international high school students

Are there any math, physics, or chemistry competitions for international high school students?
I'm a high schooler in a international school in Italy. I can speak English fluently and am a US citizen. Are there any competitions that I can do in Italy? I know that I can do most of the US competitions (AIME, USAMTS, etc.); are there any like those for international students?
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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you smart one.
2 :
IDK, I've tried google and there aren't any results. Sorry mate.
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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pre Med in Italy? Medical school in Italy? Help!

Pre Med in Italy? Medical school in Italy? Help!?
I am an American of Italian descent, and hold dual citizenship. I speak Italian fluently, and have always dreamed of attending undergraduate school and, depending on where life takes me, possibly medical school in Italy. I was wondering if it would be feasible for me to go to undergraduate school in Italy if I'd like to go to medical school back in the U.S. From talking to people who have attended Italian universities, I have found out that you select your "major" at the very beginning and take classes only pertaining to those majors. How would someone like me be able to take all the required science courses (physics, biology, physical and organic chemistry, anatomy, etc.) plus the humanities in Italy in order to get into an American medical school and take the MCAT? Are there any American universities in Italy which allow students to take heavy science courses? In looking online, I've only found colleges which give liberal arts courses; none of which I want to major in.
Higher Education (University +) - 4 Answers
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I live in Italy, and tell you the truth the universities here are pretty bad. However, you have to see which one you would like to go to. There's La Sapienza, John Cabot University (American), Tor Vergata. Dunno check out some of these ones. Of course, If you decide to take a major you have to pertain that one. Good Luck!
2 :
If you are serious about becoming an american physician DO NOT DO IT. you will be doing yourself a disservice by going to college in Italy if you plan to go to med school in the US. It is already highly competitive even for spots in the less prestigious US med schools and the med schools are going to be much more likely to take a US student than a foreign graduate. If you went to college and med school in Italy it will be even worse as chances are slim that you will get a decent residency in the US. take a year or two off, study in Italy, come back to the US and go to college and med school. that will impress them and make them want you even more in med school. they are always looking for diversity
3 :
Hi my friend!!!! I'm Dodo!!! How are you? Just now I'm looking the licence of postgraduate.... This is a link that shows all bachelor's degree in Italy. So you can choose well... I don't know if there are american universities in Italy...
4 :
Any college courses taken in a foreign country has to be evaluated for equivalency to US coursework. There are a number of agencies that do this. You might want to start by contacting one of these agencies to see if they have determined that Italy provides equivalent education (google foreign credential evaluations). The US does recognize the MD degree from Italy; however, any foreign trained MD still has to pass the USMLE, regardless of the country where he/she was educated. The USMLE is NOT an easy exam, so base your decision depending on what you learn about Italy's equivalency.
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Friday, April 16, 2010

Can I graduate in a caribbean country and study college in Italy? Is the high school diploma valid

Can I graduate in a caribbean country and study college in Italy? Is the high school diploma valid?
Im planing on studying college in Italy, but I don't know if my high school diploma is valid considering that italian high schools are 5 years and my country's high school is 4 years. Thank you for your time!!
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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US high school diploma is not enough to get into any University in Europe. You need SAT scores plus AP. naveed w is a spammer promoting high school sites on yahoo lol
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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Is there an international high school in europe low in cost

Is there an international high school in europe low in cost?
Is there a International High school in Italy, France, or Greece that I could go to that is low in cost?
Other - Europe - 1 Answers
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ID k about Italy, France, or Greece but i do know that in Denmark if you are living there you get school free and they pay you for going to school
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Thursday, April 1, 2010

plz tell me about cheapest fashion design school in italy which has fees around 2500-to-3000 euros per year,

plz tell me about cheapest fashion design school in italy which has fees around 2500-to-3000 euros per year,?
i m in pakistan and interested to go italy to study fashion design. cost is a major factor for me . thats why i m finding an affordable school in italy.
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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You can contact Fashion Art Italy, the offer several options
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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

School in Italy or Japan

School in Italy or Japan?
soon i have to move to either japan or italy...and idk which place to go :/ the most important thing is idk which school is better to go in italy or school in japan (high school) advice?
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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it really depends on if you are ready for cultural shock if you go to japan or not. Also depends on what language you speak. I also heard that japanese take studies seriously so you will probably have to study a lot if you want to do good. study the different culture of each place and figure out which one you would be more interested in. (i would chose japan but thats only because i have wanted to go to school in japan ever since i was little)
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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Does anybody know about Scuola Leonardo da Vinci (italian school) In Italy

Does anybody know about Scuola Leonardo da Vinci (italian school) In Italy?
I am attending there, if anybody has any good information on it. thanks
Other - Italy - 2 Answers
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Check out
2 :
Leonardo Da vinci is a very famous italian artist,so in my country a lot of schools have this name. you should tell us in what city the school is located,because I think there's a Leonardo Da Vinci school about in every city of Italy :D !!
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Monday, March 8, 2010

Does anybody know how much it costs for university in italy

Does anybody know how much it costs for university in italy?
Like the book fee, tuition fee? Does it cost to go to secondary school in Italy in any way? Help appreciated.
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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Tuition fee vary according to each school, but average is 1300/1500 Euro/year. Books are not included. For both helps are available, for students with low incomes. Secondary school fee is near 50/100 Euro year. Books are not included, usually the municipality is responsible for this kind of help (partial cover of books expenses)
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Monday, March 1, 2010

How would i go about applying to an international school

How would i go about applying to an international school?
what do i need in order to be able to go to school in italy? I currently live in the U.S.A. i know i need a visa but what else?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Contact the schools that interest you and they will be able to give you a list of things that are necessary./
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

school in italy!

school in italy!?
ok im a high school student planning to go to Italy for a academic year. im in the CCI program and i was wondering how long is the school in many classes,hours etc
Studying Abroad - 3 Answers
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I do not know but they seem not to work to hard in Italy
2 :
I think it starts in October and finishes in June or something like this .About the hours depends what major you have ,but i don't think they will be more the 8 hours per day .If i were you i would definitely try it ,Italy is great , you should try it. Good luck
3 :
i'm italian in italy every school is indipendent, every school can decide the hours of lessons, etc generally, school begins in september (it's different from a region to an other) and closes in June. the hour of lessons are 5 (from 8.30 am to 1.30 p.m) but some schools are opened in the afternoon , too. The great part of italian schools are public, and free, you have to pay only books, and taxes, regulated about richness of single student. High school is constituted by 5 years of study, in italy
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What is high school like in Italy

What is high school like in Italy?
I'm going to Italy in February as foreign exchange student and i was wondering what school was like?
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
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It's like Laguna Beach, One Tree Hill, Dawson's Creek and The O.C. all mixed into one. Be prepared for teenage drama, sex and scandals
2 :
hi, i'm italian. we have different kind of "high school", scientific, classic, for foreign languages, for turism, of arts, technical institute, ecc... first of all you should tell me what kind of school are you going to attend. anyway, subjects change, but organization of italian school is the same everywhere. time is 8:00 - 13:00/14:00 you have one class, with everyday the same persons teachers explain lessons and make an interview to random students about the homework. you have to study everyday each subject better as possible in case that te day after you'll be interviewed. subject are about 10 and they are fixed, you cannot choose anything. don't expect to find gym or to do sports or funny activities, if you want, you'll go by a private gym in the afternoon, pay, and you do the sport you've choosen. in the afternoon we dont have never school, when it finishes at 1-2pm you go home and for the rest of the day you won't see it never more. lessons, interview, study, test and homework are very hard, you may be involved all afternoon long, and sometimes the evening too. (some friend of mine, who have been attending exchange-year in USA told that in USA school is a joke compared with ours) in some schools, we go to school the saturday too, but in the last years, it's changing. it's very hard, but don't worry, you are stranger and they'll help you in every way, and even if it's hard, it's very very fun. when i was in high school i had the funniest period of my life. any other info? ask more, no problem :)
3 :
I visited an Italian high school this spring. These kids were rude and obnoxious and many of them were chain smokers - which was allowed at the school I visited. Expect culture shock.
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Monday, February 8, 2010

How do I go about studying in Italy for college

How do I go about studying in Italy for college?
I'm a senior in high school, and while I am applying for colleges in the United States where I live, I also am really interested in attending school in Italy. How do I go about doing this?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Unless you're fluent in Italian, I imagine it would be very difficult for you to be accepted to an Italian university...since their courses and programs will be offered in Italian. However, I know many universities in the USA have study abroad programs. I know mine, personally, has semester, year-long, and summer sessions in countries like Italy, Switzerland, Mexico, etc. So when applying to universities in the USA, narrow your choices down to a few you love and then research their study abroad programs. You'll typically need to be a few years into your studies (at least a sophomore, I think) and you'll have to maintain a high GPA. I know only certain majors are allowed to go sometimes, so check to see if your major has any special study abroad program associated with it. These study abroad programs through US universities will typically be American universities located in these foreign countries, so your classes will be in English - which is probably important, unless you're bilingual.
2 :
Contact the nearest Italian Institute of Culture and ask for scholarships and opportunities for enrollment in Italian colleges and universities, In Italy there are a few schools which offer classes in English (particularly in the fields of Industrial Design, Fashion and Economics), and there are also private colleges who cater to American students interested in Italian studies (such as the John Cabot University in Rome).
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Monday, February 1, 2010

can someone help me answer these questions on schools of Italy

can someone help me answer these questions on schools of Italy?
At what age do kids go to school? What time does school start for them? What material do they study in high school? What big tests do they have in Italy?
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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1 :
hello!! i'm italian... -the children start school when they have 5 years -more or less at 8.10 in the morning -it depends. the subjects change in relation of the school that someone choose.... -we have the final exam at the end of 5 years in high school...
2 :
Well... children go to school at 5 or 6 years. They attend "scuola elementare" from 5-6 to 11 years, then go to "scuola media" for three years. From 14 to 18-19 they can choose between different kind of schools. The "Licei" are the most difficult and then the students must go to university. The Liceo has five "indirizzi": Classico (you study all subjects, but the principal are history, latin and greek) Scientifico (maths, science, chemical) Linguistico (english, german, frech or other languages) Scienze Sociali (social problems, spanish) Musicale (music and some instruments). If you don't want to attend university and prefer go to work at 18 years, you can choose "Scuole Professionali" (professional schools) and you can choose different kind of work. The Elementary start at 8 o'clock and finish at 12.30 or 1 pm The Medie from 8 to 1 and some afternoon For Licei and Scuole Professionali, it's different... (ex. I attend a Liceo Linguistico and go to school from 8 to 2 p.m.) Years ago there was a big test at the end of Elementari, but now there's only at the end of Scuole Medie and Liceo or Scuole Professionali!
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Sunday, January 24, 2010

what is the best fine art school in Italy

what is the best fine art school in Italy?

Drawing & Illustration - 1 Answers
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1 :
NABA is a recognised school of Visual Arts, Communication, Design and Restoration located in Milano, Italy. NABA was formed in 1980 by a group of internationally renowned artists with an innovative spirit geared towards experimental manual skills and design. The school is located in the central canals area of the City of Milan the recognised capital of fashion, publishing and design. The degrees & diplomas are valid in all European countries and all countries outside Europe that have a bilaterlal agreement with Italy. Summer Courses at beginner and advanced level are offered in Fashion Design, Interior Design, Communication Design, Industrial Design, Jewellery Design and Business Design duration 3- 4 weeks in June and July. Limited Scholarships are available for some courses. I love art myself, Hope this helps, good luck!
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