Wednesday, February 24, 2010

school in italy!

school in italy!?
ok im a high school student planning to go to Italy for a academic year. im in the CCI program and i was wondering how long is the school in many classes,hours etc
Studying Abroad - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I do not know but they seem not to work to hard in Italy
2 :
I think it starts in October and finishes in June or something like this .About the hours depends what major you have ,but i don't think they will be more the 8 hours per day .If i were you i would definitely try it ,Italy is great , you should try it. Good luck
3 :
i'm italian in italy every school is indipendent, every school can decide the hours of lessons, etc generally, school begins in september (it's different from a region to an other) and closes in June. the hour of lessons are 5 (from 8.30 am to 1.30 p.m) but some schools are opened in the afternoon , too. The great part of italian schools are public, and free, you have to pay only books, and taxes, regulated about richness of single student. High school is constituted by 5 years of study, in italy
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