Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What is high school like in Italy

What is high school like in Italy?
I'm going to Italy in February as foreign exchange student and i was wondering what school was like?
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
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1 :
It's like Laguna Beach, One Tree Hill, Dawson's Creek and The O.C. all mixed into one. Be prepared for teenage drama, sex and scandals
2 :
hi, i'm italian. we have different kind of "high school", scientific, classic, for foreign languages, for turism, of arts, technical institute, ecc... first of all you should tell me what kind of school are you going to attend. anyway, subjects change, but organization of italian school is the same everywhere. time is 8:00 - 13:00/14:00 you have one class, with everyday the same persons teachers explain lessons and make an interview to random students about the homework. you have to study everyday each subject better as possible in case that te day after you'll be interviewed. subject are about 10 and they are fixed, you cannot choose anything. don't expect to find gym or to do sports or funny activities, if you want, you'll go by a private gym in the afternoon, pay, and you do the sport you've choosen. in the afternoon we dont have never school, when it finishes at 1-2pm you go home and for the rest of the day you won't see it never more. lessons, interview, study, test and homework are very hard, you may be involved all afternoon long, and sometimes the evening too. (some friend of mine, who have been attending exchange-year in USA told that in USA school is a joke compared with ours) in some schools, we go to school the saturday too, but in the last years, it's changing. it's very hard, but don't worry, you are stranger and they'll help you in every way, and even if it's hard, it's very very fun. when i was in high school i had the funniest period of my life. any other info? ask more, no problem :)
3 :
I visited an Italian high school this spring. These kids were rude and obnoxious and many of them were chain smokers - which was allowed at the school I visited. Expect culture shock.
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