Monday, February 1, 2010

can someone help me answer these questions on schools of Italy

can someone help me answer these questions on schools of Italy?
At what age do kids go to school? What time does school start for them? What material do they study in high school? What big tests do they have in Italy?
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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1 :
hello!! i'm italian... -the children start school when they have 5 years -more or less at 8.10 in the morning -it depends. the subjects change in relation of the school that someone choose.... -we have the final exam at the end of 5 years in high school...
2 :
Well... children go to school at 5 or 6 years. They attend "scuola elementare" from 5-6 to 11 years, then go to "scuola media" for three years. From 14 to 18-19 they can choose between different kind of schools. The "Licei" are the most difficult and then the students must go to university. The Liceo has five "indirizzi": Classico (you study all subjects, but the principal are history, latin and greek) Scientifico (maths, science, chemical) Linguistico (english, german, frech or other languages) Scienze Sociali (social problems, spanish) Musicale (music and some instruments). If you don't want to attend university and prefer go to work at 18 years, you can choose "Scuole Professionali" (professional schools) and you can choose different kind of work. The Elementary start at 8 o'clock and finish at 12.30 or 1 pm The Medie from 8 to 1 and some afternoon For Licei and Scuole Professionali, it's different... (ex. I attend a Liceo Linguistico and go to school from 8 to 2 p.m.) Years ago there was a big test at the end of Elementari, but now there's only at the end of Scuole Medie and Liceo or Scuole Professionali!
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