Thursday, December 16, 2010

Exchange italy high school of bacoli with landon school of washington!

Exchange italy high school of bacoli with landon school of washington!?
hi I'm an italian girl and i will come in washington with my high school I'll attenden the landon school for 10 days in april ( 24 april- 3 may)...This is possible thanks to an exchange.. There are people that attended this school? Can you tell me some informations about the school and the city? There are someone that take part in it?I'll be an host in a family...! Thanks Ps.sorry my horrible english! :D sorry for * yes is a boy school but there is a female distric but i don't remember the name! thanks! Your italian is good enough...while my english mhm! lol
Washington, D.C. - 1 Answers
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1 :
umm... The only Landon School in the Washington, D.C. area that I know of is an all-boys school. I don't think they accept female exchange students. La sola Scuola di Landon nella Washington, D.C. l'area che so di è una scuola per i ragazzi. Non penso che accettino gli studenti di scambio femminili. E sono così spiacente per il mio Italin orribile, è probabilmente molto peggiore di i suoi inglesi.
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