Monday, May 24, 2010

high school life in italy

high school life in italy?
what is it like to be in high school in italy (rome). such as hours,courses, anything interesting...etc
Other - Italy - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i went to Italian school but in Milan. Anyway Italian school is very different from American. here in Italy u have 8-9 or 10 subject for all year. U have just one class so u don't have to change class every time u change subject! the hours can change but usually is from 8.20 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.. we have different kind of high school. so during the middle school u have to decided what do u want to do, the courses u want to do and then u can find the right school for u! i hope i help u...and sorry for English!!!!
2 :
hello I'm Italian and i think that Italian high school is quite difficult but very enjoyable!! about courses they take place usually in the evening but you can chose to do them or not..i hope you will like Italy...
3 :
I'm Italian i had an American schoolmate and he had a lot of difficulties , especially in mathematics and he was one of the best students in his school in America!...Italian high school is much more hard than American high school
4 :
ciao! im an italian and ive been hosting an american girl for 7 months..she is enrolled regulary to an high school here and i asked her for an opinion (morgan's opinion) Schools in Italy I would say are a lot more old school. The school day normally starts at around 8 and then ends around 1 or 2 because people go home to eat lunch. The grading stystem is simple, 1-10, 1 being you didnt do anything 10 being excellent. The relationship between teachers and students are differnt. Yes they joke around but it seems to me that the teachers have less respect for students for the most part. Also some students to teachers if the teacher isnt very strict. In class people can eat and there is no school uniforms, in this way its relaxed. Also it is normal to see people smoking in the school building. For studying it is a lot about memorizing what you are given to study because the teachers do oral tests in class regularly. Students study normally in the afternoon after they have eaten lunch for some hours and then if they have time or if they want go out in the evening. Depending on the school you are going to be attending (there are classical, scientific, artistic, linguistic, and professional public high schools) there are different courses. When you attend one school you are required to take all the courses, and courses that seem to be in all of the schools are italian grammatics and literature, math, and science of some sort.
5 :
italian school system is uniformed in all country. i'm italian. it lasts 5 years it starts in the middle of september and ends in the middle of june. monday-saturday (yes saturday too!!) the day starts at 8 o'clock and finishes at 1,30-2p.m., the school remains closed and everybody go home for lunch and the rest of the day. you have 5-6 subjects for day, they are 10-11 all, and all obligatory. a tipical classes-day consists in explaining some units of the programm, and make oral test to 4-5 students random. (we usually are scared about), that's the reason why you have to study hard all afternoon long to be prepaired in each subject, in case you are going to be tested. we have different kind of high school -classic (italians, old latin, old greek, math, science, phylosophy, history, physic, chemestry, physical education, art, english) -scientific (without old greek and more hours of math) -linguistico (2-3 languages, without greek and latin) -istituto tecnico (it prepairs you for some specific works) -professionale (the same with many hours of pratice) -art (i don't know anything about) you can't attend different subject, only the "officials". the schools are very old and there's few attention in sports, foreign language, and pratice in general, the study is very theorical, mnemonic and hard. it is very fun on the other page, and you remains all 5 years long in class with the same 30persons, so many friendship and love, born on the "school-desk"..
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