Wednesday, February 24, 2010

school in italy!

school in italy!?
ok im a high school student planning to go to Italy for a academic year. im in the CCI program and i was wondering how long is the school in many classes,hours etc
Studying Abroad - 3 Answers
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I do not know but they seem not to work to hard in Italy
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I think it starts in October and finishes in June or something like this .About the hours depends what major you have ,but i don't think they will be more the 8 hours per day .If i were you i would definitely try it ,Italy is great , you should try it. Good luck
3 :
i'm italian in italy every school is indipendent, every school can decide the hours of lessons, etc generally, school begins in september (it's different from a region to an other) and closes in June. the hour of lessons are 5 (from 8.30 am to 1.30 p.m) but some schools are opened in the afternoon , too. The great part of italian schools are public, and free, you have to pay only books, and taxes, regulated about richness of single student. High school is constituted by 5 years of study, in italy
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What is high school like in Italy

What is high school like in Italy?
I'm going to Italy in February as foreign exchange student and i was wondering what school was like?
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
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It's like Laguna Beach, One Tree Hill, Dawson's Creek and The O.C. all mixed into one. Be prepared for teenage drama, sex and scandals
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hi, i'm italian. we have different kind of "high school", scientific, classic, for foreign languages, for turism, of arts, technical institute, ecc... first of all you should tell me what kind of school are you going to attend. anyway, subjects change, but organization of italian school is the same everywhere. time is 8:00 - 13:00/14:00 you have one class, with everyday the same persons teachers explain lessons and make an interview to random students about the homework. you have to study everyday each subject better as possible in case that te day after you'll be interviewed. subject are about 10 and they are fixed, you cannot choose anything. don't expect to find gym or to do sports or funny activities, if you want, you'll go by a private gym in the afternoon, pay, and you do the sport you've choosen. in the afternoon we dont have never school, when it finishes at 1-2pm you go home and for the rest of the day you won't see it never more. lessons, interview, study, test and homework are very hard, you may be involved all afternoon long, and sometimes the evening too. (some friend of mine, who have been attending exchange-year in USA told that in USA school is a joke compared with ours) in some schools, we go to school the saturday too, but in the last years, it's changing. it's very hard, but don't worry, you are stranger and they'll help you in every way, and even if it's hard, it's very very fun. when i was in high school i had the funniest period of my life. any other info? ask more, no problem :)
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I visited an Italian high school this spring. These kids were rude and obnoxious and many of them were chain smokers - which was allowed at the school I visited. Expect culture shock.
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Monday, February 8, 2010

How do I go about studying in Italy for college

How do I go about studying in Italy for college?
I'm a senior in high school, and while I am applying for colleges in the United States where I live, I also am really interested in attending school in Italy. How do I go about doing this?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Unless you're fluent in Italian, I imagine it would be very difficult for you to be accepted to an Italian university...since their courses and programs will be offered in Italian. However, I know many universities in the USA have study abroad programs. I know mine, personally, has semester, year-long, and summer sessions in countries like Italy, Switzerland, Mexico, etc. So when applying to universities in the USA, narrow your choices down to a few you love and then research their study abroad programs. You'll typically need to be a few years into your studies (at least a sophomore, I think) and you'll have to maintain a high GPA. I know only certain majors are allowed to go sometimes, so check to see if your major has any special study abroad program associated with it. These study abroad programs through US universities will typically be American universities located in these foreign countries, so your classes will be in English - which is probably important, unless you're bilingual.
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Contact the nearest Italian Institute of Culture and ask for scholarships and opportunities for enrollment in Italian colleges and universities, In Italy there are a few schools which offer classes in English (particularly in the fields of Industrial Design, Fashion and Economics), and there are also private colleges who cater to American students interested in Italian studies (such as the John Cabot University in Rome).
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Monday, February 1, 2010

can someone help me answer these questions on schools of Italy

can someone help me answer these questions on schools of Italy?
At what age do kids go to school? What time does school start for them? What material do they study in high school? What big tests do they have in Italy?
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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hello!! i'm italian... -the children start school when they have 5 years -more or less at 8.10 in the morning -it depends. the subjects change in relation of the school that someone choose.... -we have the final exam at the end of 5 years in high school...
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Well... children go to school at 5 or 6 years. They attend "scuola elementare" from 5-6 to 11 years, then go to "scuola media" for three years. From 14 to 18-19 they can choose between different kind of schools. The "Licei" are the most difficult and then the students must go to university. The Liceo has five "indirizzi": Classico (you study all subjects, but the principal are history, latin and greek) Scientifico (maths, science, chemical) Linguistico (english, german, frech or other languages) Scienze Sociali (social problems, spanish) Musicale (music and some instruments). If you don't want to attend university and prefer go to work at 18 years, you can choose "Scuole Professionali" (professional schools) and you can choose different kind of work. The Elementary start at 8 o'clock and finish at 12.30 or 1 pm The Medie from 8 to 1 and some afternoon For Licei and Scuole Professionali, it's different... (ex. I attend a Liceo Linguistico and go to school from 8 to 2 p.m.) Years ago there was a big test at the end of Elementari, but now there's only at the end of Scuole Medie and Liceo or Scuole Professionali!
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