Friday, December 24, 2010

where can i find a school in naples italy wherein the enrolment does'nt require payment first

where can i find a school in naples italy wherein the enrolment does'nt require payment first?
Trivia - 1 Answers
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there isnt exist that kind of the school. if u want free, u can have informal education held by church or city.
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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Exchange italy high school of bacoli with landon school of washington!

Exchange italy high school of bacoli with landon school of washington!?
hi I'm an italian girl and i will come in washington with my high school I'll attenden the landon school for 10 days in april ( 24 april- 3 may)...This is possible thanks to an exchange.. There are people that attended this school? Can you tell me some informations about the school and the city? There are someone that take part in it?I'll be an host in a family...! Thanks Ps.sorry my horrible english! :D sorry for * yes is a boy school but there is a female distric but i don't remember the name! thanks! Your italian is good enough...while my english mhm! lol
Washington, D.C. - 1 Answers
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umm... The only Landon School in the Washington, D.C. area that I know of is an all-boys school. I don't think they accept female exchange students. La sola Scuola di Landon nella Washington, D.C. l'area che so di è una scuola per i ragazzi. Non penso che accettino gli studenti di scambio femminili. E sono così spiacente per il mio Italin orribile, è probabilmente molto peggiore di i suoi inglesi.
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I'm looking for a cooking class/school in Italy....(Details inside)

I'm looking for a cooking class/school in Italy....(Details inside)?
Here are my criteria for the class: ~3-4 hour class that is only one day long ~Prefered to be in the Tuscany area (Umbria region is best, but places like Florence are okay) ~I'd really like it to involve italian culture-like where we would go to the market and then back to the kitchen to cook ~Must be able to speak English Thank you so much!! :)
Ethnic Cuisine - 1 Answers
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Yes, there is a cooking class in Italy that I came across in the internet. I came across it a month ago thinking "that would be a nice place to go for a vacation." I need to backtrack my steps to find that link.
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Should I miss school for a trip to Italy

Should I miss school for a trip to Italy?
Next month I will (hopefully) be going to Italy. I am a juinor in High School and to go I would have to miss a week and a half of school. Since it is a vacation, it is not excused and I wont be able to make up the work I missed. This would make me have a chance of failing a few of my classes for the semester. But I dont want to give up this great opportunity to travel. HELP! What should I do??
Etiquette - 10 Answers
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well you can always catch up with work and you will only regret it for the rest of your life! xx go! :)
2 :
It's an opportunity you should take! Tell all of your teachers you are going. Maybe they'll give you some of the work they've already planned out. Hopefully they will understand! I hope it all works out! Have fun!
3 :
It is up to you how important school is for you, If I were you I would not risk my classes for a trip even to the moon! So you have some thinking to do, think that Italy will always be there and you can go when you don't have class.
4 :
You have to keep in mind whether or not your grades are important to you. If you plan on going to college, your junior year is critial as those are the most recent grades the college will see. But a trip to Italy is amazing, and if you think you can do AMAZING the rest of the year... then what the hell go for it especially if it's once in a lifetime chance :)
5 :
you sure you couldn't do the work before?I think if you approached your teachers and asked if you could turn your work in early for that week,explaining that you'd like to travel but make it clear you aren't trying to get out of work, they would probably allow you to.
6 :
lol, if you just communicate with your teacher about doing the work beforehand, everything should be fine. So many people on here are just scurrying around trying to figure out how to get something to work on their own given perceived options, when the answer would be evident if you just kept communication open.
7 :
I grew up in the military, and we missed at least 3 weeks of school each year travelling. I think the education you get in real life from experiencing new and culturally different things is just as important as math, science, and reading. I have never heard of a school failing a kid for vacationing, and I think you are wrong in thinking that.
8 :
Go to Italy, that's what I did. The only difference is that I was in college, which I think is harder to catch up since I was in a quarter system. I missed 2 weeks and was able to pass. If you think this is your only opportunity to go there, GO. Just talk to your teacher. Tell her that this is a great opportunity for you to learn about the Italian culture and that traveling will aid in self discovery. Also, tell her that you'd be willing to give a written project/report on what you've learned about Italian culture, what you discovered about yourself, your views of the world, and life in U.S.A. vs Italy. If all else fails, there's always summer school if she fails you.
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If you're not planning to graduate or go to college, failing classes doesn't have much impact. It might be helpful if your parents talked to each of your teachers to come up with a plan for you to either make up the work, or do other assignments while on your trip to satisfy their requirements.
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