Friday, April 24, 2009

Anyone have gift ideas for a family member moving to Italy for school

Anyone have gift ideas for a family member moving to Italy for school?
My brother and his family are moving to Italy to go to school. We would like to get them a gift that would help them while they are there. Gift cards are a consideration, but what kind, and where do you get them? Amex, Visa and others say in the fine print that they will only work in the U.S.
Trento - 3 Answers
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1 :
An Abercrombie & Fitch gift card. Abercrombie & Fitch recently opened a flagship store in Milan Italy. It is not only one of the largest retail spaces in the world, it is the NEW hotspot for Italian young adults. I'm sure your relative would appreciate the gift :-)
2 :
How about an Amazon gift card? If they're going to school they'll need books, and Amazon will deliver Europe-wide. They can order from the Amazon UK or Amazon France shops online and have the goods delivered to them in Italy three to five days later. Another thought is, if they don't already have one, buy them a headset / microphone / webcam so that you can call each other for free while they're away. Skype works really well, we use it all the time from Italy to contact relatives in the UK. And another is to make them a scrap-book / photograph album / DVD of family, friends and places they love to take with them. You could ask other people to give you photos and written messages to go in it. When we moved to Italy, someone did that for us and it was the most meaningful of all the gifts we received and something we look at often. What a lovely thought on your part - I hope your family are very happy in Italy - it's a wonderful place to be.
3 :
Visa Gift Cards are always a safe bet as they are used pretty much everywhere. AMX is getting better. Other things you can go for would be travelers checks or even a phone card so they can call back often without having to worry about the cost.
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Thursday, April 16, 2009

how can an italian citizen living in the US, get a scholarship 2 go to school in italy

how can an italian citizen living in the US, get a scholarship 2 go to school in italy?
im italian but i've been here since i was 8. i wanna move back bcus i have alot of family there. right now i'm studying 2 get my associate's degree. i would like to get a bachelor's degree but i don't wanna wait another 3 yrs 2 go back, what can i do?
Studying Abroad - 4 Answers
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Apply directly to the schools in Italy. Your family there can help you select the schools. Good luck.
2 :
You already answered the question..You dont want to wait....So go....If not you will be saying the same thing next year. and then the year after. Life has a funny way of working out for those who give it a try. dont hesitate, make your move and go for it.
3 :
Do you speak or understand Italian? If you are an Italian citizen that really shouldn't be a problem. Just contact the Italian embassy for more information. That really shouldn't be so hard, because I guess you will have a place to live(probably free), colleges in Italy are not so expensive like in the U.S.A. so you will not need to work all your life to return the money,haha.... I am in the opposite position,lol......good luck
4 :
there are some schools that offer student exchange my friend went to NYU and she spent a year studying in Florenza she will go back her 3rd yr to do it all over again. Find schools that have campuses in Italy.
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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Do 8th graders go to high school in Italy

Do 8th graders go to high school in Italy?
My family and I have moved to Italy one month ago, and we're now staying there for three years. My parents told me I will be heading to high school along with my two sisters, whom one will be in 9th grade while the other will be in 10th. I was shock to believe I will be in high school at first because I'm only thirteen and I will be in the 8th grade. I wasn't sure if it was true, so I'm really asking do 8th graders like me go to high school in Italy?
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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In Italy, middle school refers to ages between 11 and 14, lasting 3 years. If you've only just turned 13 then you'd technically have to go to a middle school in Italy. If you're nearly 14 then the answer is, yes, you will be heading to High School =]
2 :
Every where is different even in the US. When moving from Cali to MO you would actually gain a grade level so going from an American school to Italian you would probably gain a level as well although I don't live in Italy so I wouldn't know, sorry.
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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Where in Italy should I go to language school

Where in Italy should I go to language school?
Hello! I'm 24 years old and while I'm between jobs in September I thought it would be great to get some overseas language experience. I've been looking at language schools throughout Italy and didn't know if anyone had a region they preferred or think would be more exciting then others. I've been looking schools all through Rome, Venice, Florence, Salerno, etc. Does anyone have a recommendation? I may be able to do a 2 week course in one city and 2 weeks in another. I'm really just interested in a truly Italian experience with great food, beautiful scenery, etc.
Other - Italy - 6 Answers
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1 :
FLOOOOOOOOORENCE! It is the most beautiful city! And the home of the language as it is taught...the official version. (Not to mention REALLY great food! - so I hear, anyway.)
2 :
You could choose between Florence and Rome, the best ones. These are the difference: Florence has the best schools and it's pretty nice, easy to live, small. Rome is big, you can have problems to move,not well connected but fantastic and better food. Remember, the italian food is more and more good if you go down, to the South.
3 :
Splitting the time between southern/central Italy and northern Italy wouldn't be a bad ides. Certainly Rome or Florence would be a good choice. In the north, you might consider Padova which is close to Venice, but less expensive. there are a number of possible day trips from any of these places for the weekends. You might plan your stay around some of the local festivals to get a feel for what it's really like here. There are a lot of interesting possibilities in September: Historic Regatta - Venice (1st Sunday in Sept); the Biennale will still be running through the 12th too Giostra del Saracino (Joust) - Arezzo Giostra della Quintana - Foligno Palio di Asti - Asti Palio del Baradello - Como Balloon Festival - Ferrara San Gennaro Festival - Naples Byzantine New Year - Amalfi Wine Championship - Florence and lots of food festivals [e.g., Pizzafest! in Naples, Gorgonzola Festival near Milan, Festa dell'Uva in Impruneta, Primi d'Italia in Foligno, Fiera del Riso in Isola della Scala, ... ]
4 :
I suggest Rome and Florence. Do you know? Italian language was born in Florence! Ah, ah... Anyway, Venice is expensive. Around Rome you can also see beautiful places and taste good food and wine. The same for Florence. About palios you can see a lot also in that cities. For exeple from Rome you can go in Viterbo and see "La macchina di Santa Rosa" (sorry this page is only in Italian or in places around Rome called Castelli (Marino, Frascati...) there is wine fair. PS: was not a joke, here in Italy we really use to say that Italian language was born in Florence!
5 :
Personally, I recommend you It organizes not only language courses, but also experiences of real life.
6 :
Venice i'm half australian half italian and being venician i think it's great that you want to do this beautiful elegant language which naturally flows. it's soooooo romantic!!! VENICE has an amazing dylect go there you'll see the only city on water. whoooo!
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