Friday, August 24, 2012

Will the IPhone work in different countries? (Italy)

Will the IPhone work in different countries? (Italy)?
I will be spending a year in Italy for school but I want the IPhone... I know AT&T has that "NEWYOKAHONGKONAPORE" plane where you can call anywhere. Could I use it while abroad? Will the phone work?
Cell Phones & Plans - 1 Answers
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Your Iphone can work in Italy on all Italian GSM networks as long as you have roaming activated on your AT&T Price plan. However this is expensive, expect at least to pay 2$ for an outgoing call and 1$ for any incoming call. A better solution is to unblock your IPhone ( Your current phone only will accept AT & T sim cards ) and then buy a prepay card in Italy with an Italian local telephone number. You are going to pay about 15 US$ for this. 20 Cents for outgoing calls in Italy 40 cents to the US and NO INCOMINGS CHARGES AT ALL. UNLIMITED INCOMINGS CALLS ALLOWED.
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Thursday, August 16, 2012

What are some Medical Schools in Italy? Also, some other info regarding them? Thanks!

What are some Medical Schools in Italy? Also, some other info regarding them? Thanks!?
Hey! Any information would be great about Medical Schools in Italy. Information such as locations, pre-requisits, requirments, lenght of study and so on. I am an undergrad who is actually spending a semester in Rome next speaking Italian is not a problem (I already know it). I just would rather study aborad for a medical degree. Thanks!
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Try looking here:,GGLD:2004-03,GGLD:en&q=medical+schools+italy
2 :
There are 42 medical schools in Italy. The International Medical Education Directory has links to each school's web site (if the school has a web site). A cautionary note for you: If you plan on living in Italy, being educated there is fine. But if you plan on returning to the US to live, you're going to encounter some difficulty. First, as a foreign trained physician, you'll have to pass all of the USMLE exams. There is a very high failure rate for foreign trained physicians--partially due to the length of time between learning the basic sciences and being tested on them and partially due to the emphasis US programs place on the basic sciences. Secondly, if you do not complete your residency training in Italy and try to come back to the US for residency, you're going to be placed lower in the competition for slots simply because you are a foreign trained physician. You'll have to score exceptionally well on the USMLE exams in order for a Program Director to have a comfort level with your education. That said, it sounds like fun. Good luck.
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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Does anyone recommend studying abroad in Italy during high school

Does anyone recommend studying abroad in Italy during high school?
If anyone has experiences with that, I'd like to know how you liked it, if it was fun and if you recommend it for foreign exchange. :)
Studying Abroad - 4 Answers
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I was lucky enough to spend a summer studying in Italy, but I was already in college then. All I can say, is it was the most amazing 3 months of my life! We were based in a pensione in Florence, but got to travel on the weekends. I was able to visit Rome, Pisa, Lucca, San Giminiano, Bologna and Venice, and each city was incredible. If you like art, history and learning the language, you will absolutely LOVE it!!! Hope you get to go!!!
2 :
Speaking as a former exchange student, though not to Italy, there is nothing I could say to discourage you from doing foreign exchange and everything I can say to encourage you. It will be the most amazing experience you can imagine. The place, however, isn't as important as you might think it is: wherever you go you will have an amazing year. I went to Hungary through the Rotary Youth Exchange, and I have friends who went all over the world, including Italy, and none of them had negative experiences. Go for it. Go to Italy or go somewhere else, but if you think foreign exchange is right for you then do it.
3 :
Studying abroad during high school is different than during college... nevertheless, I would really suggest it for you. I never was able to during my high school career, though, but I did during college. By studying abroad during high school, you will have different experiences than if you went your junior year of college. Those are good experiences, too, but going in high school is different in a good way, since we often see things differently at 17 than at 20 or 21. If your high school grades are in good shape, please go! Make sure you get a program with a host family, since it is THE BEST way to establish yourself, get into the language, and not be so homesick or lost. I would imagine you are interested in learning the language since you want to study in Italy, and would consider a foreign language major in college. Even if you go during high school, you can go for a semester or even a year during college. You could go back to Italy or even another country. If you have the host family experience while in high school, then you will be more ready to live on your own or in student housing in a foreign country. If YOU feel ready to spend a few months in another school, do go!! I have a friend who spent a few months in Belgium during high school, and when I met him freshman year at college, he had better french than many of the senior french majors who hadn't gone abroad in high school (but did in college). Besides, the foreign exchanges can be wonderful for both schools, families and communities. Study abroad in high school is just the start of many, many wonderful experiences. It'll also give you a boost for college admissions and foreign language programs. Good luck!
4 :
yes i think u should u get to see a new place and learn about a different culture
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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How can an I.B student in middle school study in Italy

How can an I.B student in middle school study in Italy?
I am a 6th grade I.B (international baccalaureate) student . Even though the course is more advanced than other classes I still receive straight A's on my report card. ( i have been an A student for my whole life). I really want to study in another country .I would like to learn Italian over the summer and try to study there in the future. I know I won't be able to study there this year because of my family's financial situation.I told my mommy but she said that won't be able to happen . I decided to look it up . THEN i realized it would be SUPER EXPENSIVE!!!!! The MEAL plan ONLY was $1400 FOR 15 WEEKS!! PLUS i will need a student visa and a place to stay so we could just say it will add up to be expensive.I am not like those little rich kids who can get everything they want and i don't like to stress my parents (they already have enough of that).I just want to do this to further my education,go to a GREAT collage, become a pediatrician, make a positive change in the world (even if it is a small one),and make sure my parents are proud of me and live long enough to see me do that, and i would like to do this to to see Italy. How can I study in Italy at a low price ?
Studying Abroad - 3 Answers
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hhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm goodd ?
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You could try getting a scholarship - many programs give financial aid.
3 :
Well once you get to high school, in your sophomore year you should look into applying to the United World Colleges programme. All American students of the program are paid for on full scholarship and are sent to one of 13 international schools one of which is in Duino, Italy. However they'll only accept applications from Sophomores and Juniors so just stick it out and study Italian until then.
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