Thursday, February 24, 2011

money raising ideas for international field school

money raising ideas for international field school?
I'm going to an archeology field school in Italy this summer. The school is pretty expensive, and I need some ways to raise money fast. Scholarships specifically for field schools would be ideal, since I live on a college campus, so traditional fund raising would be a bit hard. Any other ideas would be helpful as well
Financial Aid - 1 Answers
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You know , that You won't make any money online unless you have a way that you can drive traffic to your website. You have to understand the basic premises of marketing, and then understand the premises of internet marketing. There is one website where you can get both, it is not free to be a member. but you can learn how to drive free traffic there. Give it a look I think you will like it.
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How many hours does it take to fly from Iowa to Italy

How many hours does it take to fly from Iowa to Italy?
My cousin's flying to Italy for school in a few months. I'm asking this for her since she doesn't have an email account. If it was a non-stop flight?
Air Travel - 4 Answers
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non-stop my guess is around 12-14 hours
2 :
Well. It takes about 2-3 hours to fly to Newark NJ to do a transfer flight since Iowa has no nonstop flights to International Destnations. so add that to the 10 hour flight to Rome. Your looking at 12-13 hour flight which could be longer due to layover times, weather, ect.
3 :
Your friend can fly non stop to Rome on Alitalia from Chicago. The flight time from O'Hare Field to Rome is between 9.5 and 10 hours.
4 :
If the flight were non-stop, it would be approximately 10 hours. However, there are no scheduled nonstop flights from Iowa to Italy. The flight will involve at least one layover in Chicago, Detroit, or somewhere else - so it will be longer than 10 hours, depending on where you change flights and how long the layover is.
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Is A Good High School Foreign Exchange Program? Japan Or Italy

What Is A Good High School Foreign Exchange Program? Japan Or Italy?
Alright, I'm planning on going to Japan for a foreign exchange program, maybe Italy. [I haven't made up my mind. But if you have went to Italy or Japan when you were in high school. Tell me what your experience was like?] Now, I have around a 3.0 GPA which is typically enough, but I was wondering what other people have done, and which would be less expensive.
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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I myself have chosen rotary for japan it is very inexpensive ranging from 4,100 to 4,500 they give you a rotary counselor for the country you reside in and as well do backround checks for the host families Italy and Japan are just two of the countries they do many and with a 3.0 you should be fine but you also have to do interview
2 :
Just like the answer above I chose rotary as well. It is cheap, the are very strict about the family's they choose to allow in their program. I went to japan, lived in the city of Noda, north of tokyo about an hour i had a BLAST best experience of my life.
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I need help finding a fashion school in Italy

I need help finding a fashion school in Italy?
I am thinking about attending a fashion school in Italy. I haven't had any luck finding something, but what I am looking for is a school that the tuition is less then 25,000 US dollars, offers alot of different programs for the fashion industry, and it would help if it offered student housing. And an english speaking website!?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Before attending F.I.T in NYC, I did a semester in Florence and attended Lorenzo di Medici. Other schools in Italy are: L'academia in Florence and Polimoda (also in Florence, which happens to be part of F.I.T). The school I almost attended instead of FIT was Marangoni in Milan. If I were you, I would really look into Polimoda and Marangoni, because they are the best. Hope this helps!
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