Saturday, July 24, 2010

I am an American senior girl looking to go to school in Italy but I do not have any scholarships

I am an American senior girl looking to go to school in Italy but I do not have any scholarships?
Hi, I am a senior in high school and I was wondering if i can get a scholarship to go to Italy and if I need to speak fluent italian to attend a university there. But perhaps I should start by giving a little background first. I am an American girl but my parents are from Brazil. I lived there for 10 years though and came back in 2004. I speak english, portuguese and spanish fluently and am taking French 2 and 3 this year. I have been told by my teachers that I have a gift for languages. So Italian wouldn't be that hard for me to learn. I have a waited 3.1 GPA and participate in 10 clubs.I have won State for spanish III and won district twice for spanish and won best student in french class last year. However, I do not know have any money, my parents have a business that is not doing well, and I am completely unable to provide the money. Also, my dad's side has italian heritage, and my last name is italian, paiva, would i be able to get a scholarship for that or would they take that into consideration??? would i be able to stay there for four years if i wanted to ???? Please, any information or help would be of good use as I am completely clueless about college and scholarships. also, this is my first time with yahoo answers so pardon me if it seems a little weird.
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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I don't have much in the way of advice, but would suggest you look at the universities that are in Italy and start looking at their scholarships, they may have something that you can apply for. Find the Uni's that will suit you and go from there, talk to their guidance counselors, talk to your current counselor and ask them these questions, they're probably the best ones to ask and can answer all your questions. Sorry i haven't been much help... :) Good luck!
2 :
You can get info about such college scholarships and grants online here -
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Friday, July 16, 2010

Asking your suggestion for film school in italy. My friend really need some info,please

Asking your suggestion for film school in italy. My friend really need some info,please?
Straight to the point,i got this fella who wants to advance his skill in movie-making by taking few courses (or even degree) at university or academy for film studies. But,he actually wants to go to italy as his choice to get the certificate in film/theatre/television subject and yet hopefully would be able to expand his career there and to get a job in that field as well. He believes that attending film school abroad would become a "ticket" to reach his goal.Well,actually, I do agree with that too haha (FYI : i'm planning to study film overseas in canada/USA next year) But,the problem is my friend doesn't speak italian that well.He would prefer to enroll in international film academy/university or any kind of place whose the courses are taught in english. Thank you for your help. I'll appreciate that. He really needs to know this information. p.s.sorry i was supposed asking this question in "yahoo! italy" but, i hardly speak italian languages haha
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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ZeLIG is an institution dedicated to training people in the documentary film sector; in Bolzano (north of Italy).
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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Advice on going to medical school in Italy

Advice on going to medical school in Italy?
I plan on going to the University of Illinois-at Chicago to enroll in their BSN program to be a registerd nurse, and then I want to furthur my education and go to a medical school in Italy to become a Child Neurologist. After my four years there I would like to come back to the U.S and do my residency for four years. I've heard good and bad things about going to medical school in Italy, but I cant make up my mind... Please Help!!! Any Advice Is Needed!!!! Thank you -Nancy G.
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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It's unlikely that you would be accepted into any medical school in Italy (not impossible, just unlikely). Most countries are reluctant to give up one of their seats to a US citizen due to the fact most want to do just what you have indicated--go back to the US. Italy has 42 medical schools and all are taught in Italian and all are six years. You can find info on each, with a link to its web page at the International Medical Education Directory:
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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Going to school in Italy

Going to school in Italy?
I am thinking about going to the American University in Rome, has anyone been there? I am studying International Government and Politics and hoping to be a diplomat one day so I want to get as much experience as possible. Does anyone have any advice? Anyone know of a better college there or in a different part of Italy?
Other - Italy - 5 Answers
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Well where do you live now?
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Try Internships though I doubt they have internships for a diplomat. Try volunteering for your ambassy
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Lucky!! I wish. I have heard that Italianos don't put the same premium on time as we do and it is perfectly okay to be late--one of the main reasons I want to go there!
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I don't think there is an American university here in Italy. The best way to study here is to go to a normal university... but for this you need to know Italian. You can contact directly a Italian university. You can search on google something like "università degli studi di" and then you add the name of the city. Example: "università degli studi di Torino" or università degli studi di Roma" And you get the web site
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Have you visited the study abroad office yet? Your university most likely has an office that specializes in getting students into a school that meets their needs abroad and you can generally get it to count towards your major if you go through the office. I am in the same field and so I have looked at a few different schools abroad that offer programs in International Affairs. There is a school on the border of France and Germany, I can't remember the city. It is a really popular place to go because they have a proram that specializes in government. If I think of it, I'll let you know. The American University in Rome is nice, but I have found it to be very expensive. There are a million other places and programs in the country of Italy and across Europe that are nowhere near the costs of the American University. They good news is that it isn't as expensive as the AU in Dublin..... My choice for university would be to go to the Universita per Stranieri, It is about an hour from Rome in Perugia. Stranieri means foreigners. Another top choice is the Universita di Bologna. Bologna is about an hour from Florence and is a beautiful city and the university there has programs for students in English and to teach Italian. Some of my friend studied in Florence and they also enjoyed it there. Arcadia University has great programs abroad. I'll include their website below. Most schools work with Arcadia and send students to their programs. The other options that you can look into doing are internships for the United States Embassy Services. You may end up somewhere "exotic" but having it on your resume is golden. There are also International Relations based internships at the State Department and the CIA. They are all great options and many offer fabulous summer internships and often your school can give you credit towards your major for completing one of these programs. I would start off by talking to your Academic Advisor, the Study Abroad Office, and of course, your parents. Good luck!
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