Thursday, June 24, 2010

What is the school system in Venice, Italy or Rome

What is the school system in Venice, Italy or Rome?
Does anyone know how the schools are run, what they're like, when do children start school, when do they graduate, etc. Anything about them at all?
Venice - 2 Answers
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The problem in explaining the italian school system is that there isn't a direct corrispondence between the english system: -Asilo (nursery school) at age of 4 until the babies are 6 (it's optional) -Elementari (primary education) it lasts 5 years,so from they're 6 until they're 11 years old. -Medie ("secondary school") it lasts 3 years, until they're 13.It gives you a Licenza Media (but - Superiori (secondary school) it lasts 5 years, until they're 18. however you have to go to school only until when you're 16,then you can leave and go to work, but,due to without a Diploma (a degree that is given after the Superiori) you wouldn't work,you are forced to continue. Superiori can be either a Liceo (that is a school that gives you a large cultural formation,although it isn't very useful for working,so after liceo you are forced to go to the university),or Scuola Professionale (that gives you a professional preparation,for example for becoming an electrician,and than after it you can work). As i've said after Superiori you get a Diploma,a kind of degree. -The last step is the Università (University). It consists in 3 years of general formation,that it's called Laura Magistrale or Laurea Breve (a degree) and than 2 years of a a deeply specialization,that's called Specializzazione(master degree).However there are other faculties like Medicine that consist in 6 year and than a specialization of 2 years.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Documents needed to move from a foreign school

Documents needed to move from a foreign school?
Can you help me? I'm trying to find what kind of documents I have to have to move my daughter from her primary school in Italy to one in NJ. In which class usually they have the first Communion in USA? Thank you very much.
Immigration - 1 Answers
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You'll need the child's birth certificate. You'll need the child's complete record of vaccinations. Public schools in the United States do not engage in any religious activity. Catholic students in the public schools normally take Catechism classes, at church, after school hours. If you want your daughter to take religious instruction, in school, you'll have to enroll her in a private Catholic school. Generally these cost several thousand dollars per year. Each US school district is different when it comes to placement of foreign students. My wife and I lived outside the United States with our 6 children for many years. When we finally came back in the 90's we enrolled them in American schools. We brought transcripts of their classes from their old schools along with their gradings and submitted it all to the school district we moved to in Maryland. They reviewed it and interviewed the children. Based on everything they placed them in the appropriate classes.
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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

what is the best medical school in italy

what is the best medical school in italy?

Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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i think there is no medical (((((((((( school )))))))))
2 :
Italia Medico
3 :
There are 42 medical schools in Italy. Here's a link to a list of them: Each school has a link to its web page. I don't know of any medical school in Italy that offers an English language program.
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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Help!!!! How can I call my parents from all around the Earth using my local cell phone number in Italy

Help!!!! How can I call my parents from all around the Earth using my local cell phone number in Italy?
I'm planning to study in a summer school in Italy. But I always wanted to tour the world for maybe 2 months. I DON'T WANT MY PARENTS TO KNOW WHERE I AM. can call and receive their calls using my local number in Italy? If not, then wat is the best solution? Thank you.
Cell Phones & Plans - 7 Answers
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add national calling to ur phone. my girlfriends daughter is in england in the air force and thats how she keeps contact. we were able to do txt message for awhile
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Rent or buy an international cell phone or satellite phone. Or, just get a calling card from wherever you are and call them. It'll just come up on caller id as international, unknown, or an 800 number. They'll only know where you are if you tell them. But, basically your US cell won't work overseas unless you have that plan (international phone = big bucks)
3 :
best thing to do is tell them hey mom dad this is what i am going to do the next 2 months be done with problem
4 :
You can call them by using the appropriate country code and click hide my number so that your number will not appear on their phone as they receive your call. Thanks
5 :
Take a world calling card from your home mobile network, it will be useful. Hoiwever, i suggest you do tell aboiut your plans to your parents...
6 :
just put your mobile on 'roaming' and you can call on your local number. Only I think it is not a good idea to hide from your parents. You should take their permission.
7 :
You an use your local cell and pay about $4 a minute. Or buy an Italian SIM card on arrival - it's cheaper. Why not use Gtalk or Skype on a laptop? Almost free. And if you parents have no PC, you can call from Skype to a land-line phone though the premium service. Now - why would you not want your parents to know where you are? Obviously you are not interested to give them peace of mind while traveling (and you are not experienced enough to know how easy it is to get assaulted or killed when traveling alone, especially in Italy), so why call them at all? Just blow them off the entire time you are there. Thankfully, they are not paying for any of this trip, so you don't owe them anything, right? What a rude, self-serving twit.
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