Wednesday, October 24, 2012

If I want to study in Italy, does my school have to offer it as a minor/major

If I want to study in Italy, does my school have to offer it as a minor/major?..?

Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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yes, i believe so
2 :
Study what in Italy? Italian? I think you should check with your schools personally, since it's a thing that varies. Some universities have exchange/study abroad programs with European colleges, some do not. If you want to go to Italy, ask your school if they have a program there and what the requirements are. As far as I know (in my university anyway) you can study a lot of things abroad. Some people go to Finland for a semester and take things like Physiology, Anatomy, etc. They are taught in English because it's an "American" extension of a Finnish university. So ask your schools.
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I'll b graduating from dental school next yr what is the employment 4 women like n Italy and Spain

I'll b graduating from dental school next yr what is the employment 4 women like n Italy and Spain?
I've often admired both places and my becoming a dentist I often hope to visit and perhaps live in a different country. Spain and Italy are both dear to me and I really want to get an idea of the employment market for female dentist. That way I can make one of them my place of residence.
Dental - 3 Answers
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Well, there should be the same opportunities and careers there are for men in Spain and Italy.. this isn't 1950's.
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Employment is the same for men and women, but you would absolutely have to speak Spanish and pass their medical exams of course. There's no dearth in the market for dental if you were a nurse or OB/Gyn specialist...
3 :
Look I am Italian and a medical student. You really don't want to move to Italy! Italy is VERY different from how it is romanticized in movies and such, especially when it comes to the business side of it. Once you are a dentist, can you wait for 10 days to get phone line and electricity hooked up? Can you waste time personally going to the postal office every time something goes wrong? Can you afford not to work for 3-4 days every time something breaks in your practice? Can you afford working from 8-9 in the morning to 8 pm because the staff and the culture *demands* you to take a 3 hr break for lunch? Can you put up with patients constantly asking you for a discount, not showing up on time, not wanting to pay for your expertise? If you can do all of this, then Italy offers lots of employment, and it doesn't really matter what gender you are, although there are folks who prefer to go to male doctors "just because".
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Monday, October 8, 2012

What do teen girls wear in Italy

What do teen girls wear in Italy?
I am an American 16 yr old girl, going to italy for school next year. do italians make fun of americans, for how they dress? what should i wear? pictures are greatly appreciated!
Other - Society & Culture - 2 Answers
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1 : I guess not all of them are teens, but I guess you can still get ideas. :)
2 :
many italian girls like to make short skirts out of a table cloth, many will also make socks from this table cloth and wrap the rest around their head. They will make fun of you if you do not look italian, the biggest way to stand out as not italian is to not carry a clear umbrella, ALL italians have clear umbrellas and if you also have one under your arm you will blend in. open it when it rains and carry it in sun but the clear is very important as only american and french will dare to put a pattern or solid color on their umbrellas, my neighbor did this and got beat the #### up and was forced to move to little italy in the america.
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Monday, October 1, 2012

english speaking nursing schools in italy or france

english speaking nursing schools in italy or france?
yep just wanting to fine some oversea schools I want to live in Europe by the way.
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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I'm pretty sure you can only be trained to be a nurse in the country in which you plan on being a nurse. If you want to be a nurse in Europe, learn the language of the country you want to live in. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't teach someone who only speaks English how to be a nurse in that country.
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