Tuesday, January 24, 2012

do they have high schools in Italy

do they have high schools in Italy?
I've done research and i cant find any names of high schools in Venice Italy or any where close to Venice.Grazie any web sites or names would help ;)
Primary & Secondary Education - 3 Answers
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1 :
Nope. The go to pre-school, followed by mob school for 12 years. Sorry.
2 :
No, they don't go to school in Italy. Most people play accordion on the side of the road for money.
3 :
Yes, we do. Here are some links: http://www.provincia.venezia.it/ecm/faces/public/guest/home/polo-est/scuole/scuole-medie-sup?portal:componentId=scuole-medie-sup&portal:type=action&portal:isSecure=false&uicomponent=UIDetailDocument&op=closeDocument&portal:windowState=normal (Click on the names of the secondary schools located in "Venezia", listed in the right column). For university: http://www.comune.venezia.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/1192
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Monday, January 16, 2012

Where would a high school trip to italy go

Where would a high school trip to italy go?
My school is taking a 10 day trip to italy next year and I'm not 100% sure whether or not i'm going yet...i really, really want to though, or where in italy we're going other than rome. Do you have any ideas of where a high school trip would go in italy. Like what cities/regions (Venice, Milan, Tuscany, Amalfi, Sicily, etc). We don't get to pick where we go...but what are the cities that you can't miss that are appropriate for high schoolers to visit. Like cities that are the highlights of Italy
Other - Europe - 2 Answers
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1 :
I recomend cities in north Italy. Vence, Florence, Genova and others. Sicily is great too, but its too far from other destinations.
2 :
Your teacher chooses the trip from a long list of possibilities. It all depends which trip he/she chooses. Most likely you will go to Rome, probably Pisa, Florence, Venice, and possibly Naples/Pompeii, but that depends entirely on which trip the teacher chooses as most appropriate to what they teach and what they feel is important for you to see in ten days.
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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Should i move to Italy or Greece and go to High school there

Should i move to Italy or Greece and go to High school there?
well i currently go to school in the USA and I just really don't want to stay here anymore. Im 15 and im entering the 10 grade. My family is planning on moving there next summer. My dad is a citizen of Italy and my mom is a citizen of greece so moving there shouldn't be a problem. I want to know if going there would be a Academic suicide or if i would be fine. I currently go to one of the best schools in boston and im afraid that im ruining my future. If i go to an international school there will i be able to get into a university easily? If i decide to move back will i have a problem getting into college here, or will they see that i went to high school here and was a good student? Which has better schools Athens or Italy?
Other - Europe - 2 Answers
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1 :
If you go to an expensive private school in Athens you will be ok but not one of their public schools!
2 :
lucky...!!!!!!!! i would kill to be you right now
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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Question on School Portraits in Italy

Question on School Portraits in Italy?
So I came up with an idea that I think would be great here in Italy. Considering I grew up in the States and every year until I graduated school we had Picture Day...not just the group shots but individual pictures as well. I noticed that here in Italy they don't do the individual pictures with the various packages and print sizes. All they do is group shot of the class and that's it. Now I'm not a professional photographer with a studio or anything but I have taken various classes and know how to work a camera. I would go to the schools and have the classic "picture day", then take the prints to a local photography store and have them developed. I would like to one day be able to operate from my own studio, but to start out I think that's the only way to go about it. What I'm looking for is some suggestions on how to go about getting this started. Could this be something interesting and innovative here in the town I live in and the surrounding towns, or am I just going to be wasting my time and money. Any sort of feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Photography - 3 Answers
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1 :
no, it's not a waste of time and money.. what you're doing is great.... and a single small step will help you a lot... so opt for these individual snaps and you'll surely owe a studio of your own in the future! good luck..:)
2 :
I'm wondering what town you live in. I do freelance photography in Germany, Im stationed here with my husband. I know the same thing applies to the schools here, off post there aren't yearly school portraits. In my opinion I don't think it would be cost effective to open a business that provides packages for every student in the school. Printing costs are much higher in europe, as is everything else, than in the states. Even if you had them shipped to Italy through a US company. The concept in the states is to provide the entire package and you just buy the prints you want, the money is made by what the students purchase and the remaining photos are discarded. They do this on post here for the kids and families, these companies make you pay a sitting fee to pay for the costs of the prints and give people an incentive to purchase more by giving you the free 8x10 that is not the best shot, but showing you the others. I know these companies exist around the posts in Italy, not sure about the economy itself. I think a better idea would be to market yourself as a freelance photographer first, you can build your equipment starting with a nice camera and tripod, and then as you build a client base market yourself at the schools rather than trying to jump through the hoops to be the schools exclusive photographer.
3 :
Distribution and the processing of orders is the hardest part of volume photography. Perhaps you could start with a small day care, nursery school or kindergarten and work your way up. I suggest pre pay because most schools and teachers do not want to be responsible for the collection of money. The schools need to be promised a percentage of the income in order to comply. 25% to 35% should be built into your package price.
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