Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Is it good to go to a University in Italy

Is it good to go to a University in Italy?
I am an American Student who would like to study medicine in Italy but I don't know if it is good to go study in an American school in Italy or would it be better to study medicine in The United States? Are Italian University's good? Would it be better to have an American medical degree or an Italian medical degree? Please tell me!
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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It wuld be better if you study in the U.S. because my uncle studied medicine in russia and when he came back to u.s. he had to go to school all over again..and you should ask someone that had experienced it...
2 :
In order to make it all as clear as possible: there are a lot of Italians who obtained their degree in medicine that are now working in the US; for a series of reason in some areas may be difficult to find a satisfying working status; in medicine, for instance, Italian research institutes are actually high rated worldwide, but they're relatively few in quantity and there's a lot of people studying medicine. In other areas fields there's the problem is the opposite, and we need to "import brains", like for computer sciences and related (and still the University in Turin is one of the best in Europe). So, yes, Italian Universities for Medicine are very good, and they're degrees have high values in the US as well. If you want to work in Italy, instead, that's may be more difficult.
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Monday, August 16, 2010

where do teens in Italy go to school

where do teens in Italy go to school?
I'm writing a story, and my character lives in Tuscany, but goes to school. Should she be going to boarding school? or are there schools in Tuscany?
Etiquette - 3 Answers
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Of course there are schools in Tuscany .... Duh. Look up the Italian for school.
2 :
they go to school, just like anywhere else.
3 :
Leaving aside the observation that the most successful writers write about what they know (ahem), I'll just say that yes, there are schools. And if you know boarding schools better, you can do that too.
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Sunday, August 8, 2010

whould like to know what family life is like in italy, for school project

whould like to know what family life is like in italy, for school project?
I'm doing research for a school project into Italian family structure, child-rearing and discipline Thanks for answering Ish
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
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1 :
Nowadays structure of Italian families is rather different as in the past (same has happened with a lot of other Countries, and US shouldn't be the exception). Till the years 50's Italy was a Nation having the agriculture as the main family's resource. Hence families were rather large to guarantee the maximum possible number of arms devoted to the work in the fields.The life's cost was rather cheap being the majority of the feeding coming directly from the family's activity in the country and almost nothing bought in the shops. With the industrialization and the increased costs to grow up the children the demographic trend had an inversion and the natality index became one of the lowest worldwide. Also the fact ,very well known even abroad, that Italians remain very longtime in the family has nothing to do with our "renowned" affection to our parents; it's just due to a simple economic reason, houses are too expensive and the life's cost is almost unbearable for a single young- Child-rearing and discipline are the same as everywhere. We have no special instructions to the use. We just give our children the best upbringing as possible by teaching them families value, respect of one's neighbour, religious values (if praticants), money's worth,etc.
2 :
Italy traditionally has a reputation for large families, with a 'Mama' that does all the house work and a 'Papa' that is the breadwinner and heads up th family. Italian fathers are usually seen as highly protective of their daughters. This reputation is founded on what Southern Italian life was like before industrialisation. In the North family life hasn't been like this since the Industrial revolution arrived in the late 1800's-large families were needed to tend the farms. Italy's birth rate has plummeted since the 'economic miracle' of the 1960's. Like many other developed countries, women now play a major part in the economy (though Italy is still much more biased towards men in terms of income and job opportunities)and as a result decide to put their careers ahead of having children. This and the widespread availability of contraception from the 1960's has caused the decline. In the South the culture of having a large family is still prevalent, however high unemployment causes many of the young people to move to the North, where the 'career before children' mentality kicks in. Italy's birth rate of 8.5 children/thousand is among the lowest in the world. The high cost of housing, desire to live a material lifestyle and the amount of work involved in rearing children have been named as reasons for Italy's low birthrate. So, women that decide to have children tend to only have one. Child rearing and discipline, like any country relies on the parents. Some may practise 'liberal parenting' while others will follow more traditional routes. The only thing to add to this is that Itakian teenagers tend to spend more time around their families than other countries teenagers. This is because the family meal, even in modern Italy is still seen as important
3 :
The italian cutlure is totally different then the american one I just lived there for 3 years. Children are very special there and everyone loves them they can t do anything wrong. Everyone in the family gets together on Sundays and has a big dinner and talks watches "football" soccer or goes to the beaches. Mom have children and dont work again. Children live at home till they get married and can afford to buy all the thing for there house and pay for the wedding. The brides parents usually buys the house for the couple or the land for the couple to build on. They usually live close to there family and never really leave the area. Boys in the family are treated as if they are the best thing in the world. Hope this helps.
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Sunday, August 1, 2010

are there any good hotel management/tourism school in italy/ anywhere in europe

are there any good hotel management/tourism school in italy/ anywhere in europe?
i need the names of good reputed schools. thanks all
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
Swiss Hotel Schools are the best in the world. Learn Cullinary skills at the best. Visit the link below for all the leading hotel schools in europe and US. http://www.education.indhp.net/studyabroad.htm
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