Thursday, December 24, 2009

Italy School Leaving Age

Italy School Leaving Age?
Hello People, I'm half Italian and half South African I moved to Italy around 6 and a half years ago I am 16 years old and I will be 17 in early August, I want to leave school this year since I am about to finish the Terza Media (3rd year of lower secondary) and once I finish that I want to continue on 3D Graphics which I have being doing for 2 years now but I haven't had much time to work on it due to all the Homework and School from monday to saturday.... i was wondering if it was possible to leave at 17 after I finish this year so I can continue on 3D graphics, also the reason why I am so far behind in school is because I didn't speak a word of Italian when I arrived in Italy when I was 10 years old, do you think it would be possible if i could leave at 17 and continue on 3D graphics and attend a graphics college or university (private or public) for courses but not in Italy It would be better to attend one in an english speaking country since my main language is english. now the problem is, is that recently they raised the school leaving age to 18 it was 16 or even 15 earlier this year.... but i really don't want to continue here since i barely even get good marks in my current school due to not speaking the language as good as the natives here and now if i'd attend a superiore i would definitely not pass.... especially since they don't even have exams or lessons in english! so do you think it's an exception since my main language is english, would i be able to leave school and look for 3D graphics courses elsewhere? my plan is to wait a year till i'm 18 but in the meantime i'd work endlessly with tutorials from youtube etc and from the 3D blender site since that is what i use. Please help thanks!
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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1 :
you might get a better answer if you scroll down all the way to the bottom of this page and click "Italy" and ask your question in the italian language to other italians.
2 :
high school finishes when u are 19 (5 years of high school) u can leave school anytime when u are 16 but u are not getting any degree apart from middle school one (which is not so good) so u will NOT be able to attend university or any other school until u graduate and finish all the 5 years of high skool u cant legally leave school until u are 16 tho
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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

i want to get into polimoda university fashion design school in italy i am a jr in high school if anybody can

i want to get into polimoda university fashion design school in italy i am a jr in high school if anybody can?
offer any tips to get into this university please tell me
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
Information is below.
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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How can i go to high school or college in Italy

How can i go to high school or college in Italy?
I am in high school nowand i wanna get into a program that can send me to Italy for the rest of high school. If there is not such thing then i am hoping there is a program to go to college in Italy. Do you know any?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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not off the top of my head, but if you go onto google and look up "studying abroad programs" there should be tons! :) good luck
2 :
do you speak fluent italian? ask you parents how they could help you and go to guidance counselors and tell them what you want to do and they can give you either websites of addresses.then you can is expensive to go to school there and housing is one of the most expensive in the world.there are lots of americans who go,and i say go for your dreams.never give up
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What's the leading fashion school in milan, italy

What's the leading fashion school in milan, italy?
I want to become a fashion designer and study in Milan. Please answer to my question :D P.S. web sites are appreciated.
Studying Abroad - 3 Answers
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1 :
Istituto Marangoni, Milan: Istituto Maragnoni based in the center of Milan has long played a vital role in the evolution of creativity. Our heritage lies in the ultimate in style: Italian Fashion. Since 1935 we have dedicated ourselves to teaching threee generations of professionals, a total of over 30,000 people.These people are our real heritage and our relationship with them makes the Italian Fashion and Design our home. At our school you will enjoy a comprehensive study program. From the techniques of design and pattern making to the history of fashion and art, from marketing and sociology to understanding new technologies, we will teach you everything you need to know to create a winning product.
2 :
Hey this question can only be answered by Aceoverseas as they are experienced in this field.....just google it or you can simply finds it on
3 :
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