Friday, July 24, 2009

Does anyone know what month school in Italy finishes

Does anyone know what month school in Italy finishes?
Other - Education - 2 Answers
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hello. i'm an italian student. here the school finishes on june, like 10th. do you want to came in my beautiful country?? bye bye
2 :
1st or 2nd week of June :)
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Thursday, July 16, 2009

How do I earn money for a school trip to Italy

How do I earn money for a school trip to Italy?
I want to go on this Science trip to Italy SO bad! I LOVE Italy soooo much and I reaallllyy want to go but, I'm only 13 (almost 14) but i can't get a job. There aren't many babysitting jobs in my neighborhood and all the paper routes are taken. The trip is around $2,500 - $3,000 Any sugestions?? I need the money at a steady income LIKE a job. HELP!
Financial Aid - 3 Answers
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1 :
Sweety I feel your pain. But number one, is this trip designed for students your age. Overall, i admire your ambition!! More so, have you asked your parents for financial help, other family members, your church, and school? That would be a start. If you don't ask you will never recieve! The sponsor of the trip-should be able to advise you. Goodluck and never give Up, even if that means going on the next trip instead! :)
2 :
How about dog-walking? Lots of people want their dogs walked while they're at work and you could do it after school. Can I also suggest that if you love Italy so much, you think about a different way of doing it, like a programme for students to live and study in Italy? Have a look at this website : which offers a whole package for young students like you who want to study abroad, for anything from a month to a year. It offers a really good level of student support for you and, importantly, for your parents as well so that they won't be as worried about you living alone in a foreign country. You may be a little young for it yet, but start planning now! Also have a look at this website to start learning some Italian, which will help you whenever you do get to Italy : - it's free and a very good way to start. Also, have a look at : which is a site that puts people of different nationalities together based on age, gender and interests. I've used this and found some really lovely Italian friends. If you do make a friendship with someone your age, they may be interested in coming to the US and in return, you would go to Italy to stay with their family for a while. It's the way I started and it's a great way to see the true country. I love your enthusiasm - use your imagination, keep your enthusiasm, and you will get there!
3 :
Do house work for money or ask your friends/ family for you birthday present early :)
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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

School in Italy with military family

School in Italy with military family?
My uncle is stationed in Naples, Italy and i want to go to school there because i'm not doing so great here. so how do i get a student visa? Do i have to be my aunt and uncles dependent since the school is on base?
Military - 1 Answers
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In order for you to be allowed to go to school on base you have to be a dependent of your aunt and uncle. This means that your parents give up custody of you and give it to them. Then you have to undergo an overseas screening to make sure you do not have any medical or dental problems that cannot be handled by the clinics on base. If you pass that then it can depend on how much longer you uncle is stationed there, if he has less than 18 months then it will be difficult.
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Can someone find a school in bologna,italy that is for highschoolers for english speaking kids

Can someone find a school in bologna,italy that is for highschoolers for english speaking kids?
The school has to be for english speaking kids and in bologna,italy and for 9 to 12 grade thanks for the help
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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i'm afraid there's not. there are private courses of italian, but an high-school where there are english speaking teachers teaching english speaking kids, there's not. if you are learning italian for the first time, it would be recommended that you don't go to a "liceo classico" since over there literature and classic dead languages are the main subjects on the other hand, at the university:
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